September 9th, 2005

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It was late that evening when Luke got back from his supply run. It wasn't often when he snuck out for basic groceries- luxuries camp didn't think were important.

Y'know the norm- alcohol, the closest thing to wine he could find for Mr D, condoms, candy bars for the boys to keep em quiet.

And this time pregnancy tests. He had to ask the guy at the counter where to find em, and that man's face when some blonde teenager looking ass came up to him calmly, slid over pieces of gold and asked where he could find pregnancy tests was the funniest thing he'd seen all week.

He was 19. Thank you very much, random gas station sir.

"Hey babe?" Luke called out, stuffing the box into his jacket pocket and emptying the grocery bag onto the Hermes shelf labeled for miscellaneous things.

She's in the game area, surrounded by his siblings and unclaimed campers, laughing her ass off as they play a round of Call of Duty: Zombies.

He really had to go get more games someday.

Bri takes out one hoard and he leans on the doorframe with his arms crossed and a grin on his face as he watches her clear the wave. Travis and Chris pull up behind her to get any stragglers- and then Travis accidentally shoots her avatar.

Wasted flashes across her screen just as she brings out a hatchet.

"GOD DAMMIT TRAVIS-" she yells, and he's laughing. Luke watches his wife grab his brother's head, ruffling his hair before shoving him back. "We were almost there!"

When Bri turned she saw Luke, and she scrambled up from her bean bag on the floor to go and take his hands.

"Oh now you notice me," he teases as she pulls him closer to her and presses a long kiss to his lips.

"I missed you," she whispers, and he moves a hand to the back of her head.

"MOM AND DAD ARE KISSING AGAIN!" Connor yells, sticking a hand in his mouth and fake gagging as he walks past. Luke kicks out his foot, causing the boy to trip.

"Oh whoops-"

"You guys are still gross, like seriously? Right in front of my innocent eyes?"

Bri rolls her eyes playfully. "It wasn't that bad-"

"Yes it was, you were all like-" Travis takes a moment to flutter his eyelashes- "Oh Lukey I missed you sooo much, you're so sexy and I wanna trade spit with you-"

The brunette woman shoves his head. "You'll learn when you're older," she muses, and then Luke takes her hands to lead her into a quieter space.

He closes the door behind them, and then produces the box from his pocket.

"I uh,"

Bri felt sick, palms getting clammy as her hands gripped his biceps to steady herself. She took a deep breath in, letting it out slowly. "Okay.. okay we're doing this right?"

Luke's hands come to her waist, attempting to keep the situation calm. "Yeah."

"Do you really think so?" She interrupts him with, looking into his clear blue eyes. There's no worry in them, and her shoulders relax.

He gives a comforting smile. "I don't. I don't know. Nor do I know what's going to happen but.. it couldn't hurt to check. And it's kind of exciting actually. I know it's scary, I have no idea what you're feeling right now but I'm here every step of the way. Okay? I'm not, leaving you, I'm not scared of this, we'll be just fine and we'll figure it out like we always do," Luke adds slowly, and his wife leans forward to hug him, his arms immediately wrapping around her body comfortingly.

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