February 18th, 2003

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It was about 4 am, and Luke really just needed a god damn snack. Some type of food to distract him. He entered the mess hall not giving two thoughts to the fact that the lights were on, and grabbed one of the sandwiches from the small fridge. And then there was a loud clang from the kitchen and he jumped, making his way over.

Who the hell was up this late?

He opened the door and there with her hair tied up was his girlfriend, a bag of frosting in her hand, and hunched over a cake.

"LUKE NO," she yelled, dropping the frosting and hurrying over to him. "Absolutely not, get out."

The blonde dipped a finger into the frosting, melting at the taste when he brought it up to his mouth. Thank you gangly arms. "Holy shit you're a goddess-"

"Flattery gets you nowhere birthday boy," Bri warned, continuing to push him out of the kitchens.

"Can I stay and help?"


"Can I stay and keep out of your way?"


"Can I stay if I kiss you?"



Bri considered it for a second, sighing. "You already saw it, I guess you can help," she muttered, dusting her hands off. "Go wash yourself up, you're gonna help me decorate."

Luke's eyes went wide like saucers, going to the sink. On his way he hugged her from behind, placing a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you."

"Besides you need to learn so you can make something decent for my birthday," she teases, and he grabs the plastic spatula from her hands.

"You get me for your birthday is that not enough?" he asks, leaning against the counter as he folds the frosting in the bowl. It's white, creamy, and the scents of fresh strawberries from the camp fields fill the kitchen.

Bri rolls her eyes, grabbing a stool to reach into a nearby cupboard and grab the vanilla beans. "I suppose that'll do," she retorts, and Luke grins like mad before setting down the bowl and reaching over to grab her off the stool. "HEY-" she yells, thrown over his shoulder.

"Cmon babe! Admit I'd make an amazing birthday gift!" Luke laughs, reaching a wiggling finger towards her neck, and her eyes go wide.

He starts to tickle her there, and she's thrashing as he drops her into a bridal carry, snorts of laughter and stubborn protests of denial filling up the kitchen. "I'd want the cake," she whines, and he tickles her harder again- watching as her eyes squeeze shut and she loses the ability to talk.

But Luke's a merciful man, and finally, he sets her down on the nearest counter, stopping his temporary assault. "Last chance?" he asks, wiggling his fingers again.

Bri wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss that suspiciously tastes like strawberry frosting. "I guess you'd make a good birthday gift," she relents, and before he can kiss her again the kitchen doors fly open.

Luke, the mischievous Hermes kid he is, goes for it anyways. And he makes it loud.

"WHO'S IN HERE?" Mr. D yells- grumpy, tired, and ready to ground whatever kid is dicking around this late at night. His expression turns to one of disgust at the couple in the corner.

His eyebrows furrow and he picks up a rolling pin, chucking it at the back of the boy's head.

"Go to your ROOM-"

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