October 1st, 2003

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Luke dropped his toothbrush. Arctic monkeys. That was very much, his t-shirt his girlfriend was wearing.

Bri seemed unaware, going around the messy cabin room to retrieve her shit. The brunette pulled a spare pair of leggings from Luke's closet, slipping them onto her bare legs, and only when she stood straight to tie up her own wet hair did she see Luke and his gaping fish expression.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, looking down at herself. Surely her bedhead wasn't that bad.. the hickeys were something else but they were easily covered.

"No uh, um, you've got my shirt there," Luke said flustered, eyes drifting to her chest.

Bri grabbed the hem of the fabric and held it out. "Oh gods, sorry Lu," the brunette muttered, immediately tugging it over her arms and off her body- throwing it directly at him in a bunched ball. The daughter of Ares had nothing on underneath and if Luke wasn't already going to go into cardiac arrest, this was the tipping point. The shirt landed unceremoniously on his face, covering his vision as it hung off the top of his head.

The son of Hermes sputtered, picking up his fallen toothbrush and grabbing the shirt out of his face, eyes still locked on his girlfriend's chest. He threw the shirt back, looking away. "Bri oh my god, keep it, I don't.. you look cute."


She grew red, cuz apparently being called cute was more embarrassing than walking around her boyfriend's room topless. "I'm not cute," she retorted, and Luke rolled his eyes.

"Just put it on sweetheart it won't kill you."

"Well now I don't want to put it on," she said stubbornly, watching Luke mentally groan. He walked into that one. "And still not cute."

"Yes, you are. Especially on your knees," he teased, watching her freeze at the innuendo.

"Oh shove off," Bri replied, turning the shirt right side out. "Still not cute."

"Yes, you are."


Luke tackled the brunette, pinning her down on his bed in playful banter. "Admit it- you're cute in my shirt," he asked, watching her stubbornly shake her head.

"Well I'd have to actually put it on-" Bri mumbled, and Luke laughed sheepishly before nuzzling his head between her chest, sighing in content. His arms came around her waist as he started humming to himself, trying to put off getting up for the morning

"Shirts are overrated," the blonde responded, taking the Arctic Monkeys merch and throwing it across the room. He considered himself lucky that the Hermes cabin was like a pack of ravenous dogs on mornings like these- rushing to get breakfast as soon as they woke up. They'd be left alone for the better part of the day.

Her eyes looked across his bare back, mentally agreeing as she threaded her fingers through Luke's damp blonde hair. "Babe I've gotta go to class," Bri sighed, making a move to get up.

"MhmMmhhH no," was all Luke said, voice muffled by her skin.

"C'mon, get up you big baby," she scolded, placing her hands between them and attempting to push her boyfriend off.

"No." He shifted himself, bringing his mouth up to her collarbone. His lips traced last night's work, and as she stopped fighting him he only got prouder. So his idea worked. Luke stopped just on her neck as a loud knock sounded on the door.

The two ignored it until a second and a third knock resonated through the room. "Luke! I know you've got someone over but Chirons looking for your ass, get up before he sees you breaking rules-"

"That'll be Chris," the counselor groaned, propping himself up on his elbows. "Honestly you just wanna ditch today? Go to town and try out that sandwich place," Luke suggested, kissing her forehead before swinging out of bed for good this time.

The daughter of Ares shook her head, pulling the covers up around her shoulders. "We can't ditch, I've got a class to teach at noon," she protested, yawning in the middle of her sentence. "Make it a raincheck."

"Alright alright. We'll be responsible today," Luke said, finishing up the buckle on his belt. "See ya during Sword and Shield," he waved, opening the door and stepping through to calm down Chris.

Glancing around the room, her eyes caught on the sword he left, teetering on the edge of his desk. "Wait, Luke!" Bri yelled, getting up and grabbing the blade while haphazardly throwing a shirt on.

Ten seconds passed, and then Luke bounded back through the door, cracking just enough for his head. "Yes?"

"You forgot something," she said, and as she tried to hold out his sword he snaked an arm around her waist and kissed her.

"Right sorry, goodbye-" he muttered, turning to leave, and Bri laughed quietly.

"No no your sword, stupid," she explained, turning him back around and shoving the sword into a sheath around his hip.

Luke blushed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm a mess aren't I?"

Pushing him out the door and back to Chris, his girlfriend nodded. Then she blew him a childish kiss, and he caught it in his fist, shoving it into his pocket. "I love you!" He said, patting the side of his shorts.

"I love you too."

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