January 8th, 2003

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Wintertime was the best time to sneak out of camp.

It was too cold for normal lessons, and sometimes the demigods who went to regular school would have winter break and visit the camp. The chaos made it easier to sneak out for a few hours.

So that's what Bri and Luke did. They woke up before breakfast, packed their bags, and bolted to the nearest city for a coffee date and window shopping.

"Luke it's cold," she whined, bringing her jacket tighter around her and refusing to move.

"C'mon you're just being a wuss," he teased, reaching his hand out. They stood on opposite sides of a large stream that happened to be in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Am not!" Bri said, in all honesty just being stubborn. She told him to take the bridge, but no- her boyfriend wanted the scenic route and now they had to walk through an icy stream that would surely freeze her feet off.

"Are too."

"Am not."

"It's not even that deep."

"It is."

Luke sighed. For the years he had known her, he knew she wasn't going to budge.

"It really is cold," she whispered, sneezing. He could see her breath from how chilly the wind was, and when her nose turned pink he gave up. The son of Hermes crossed the stream back to her side, bending his knees. "Wait what are y-"

He picked her up almost effortlessly, slinging his date across his shoulder and crossing, setting her down on the right side.

"Better?" Luke asked, readjusting her jacket as she sneezed again. Bri brought her hands up to her face, rubbing them together and blowing on them, and he sighed, taking his gloves off and placing them over her fingers.

She nodded, flexing her hands with the gloves on and smiling. "Better."

"First stop, to get you proper winter clothes because you're a dumbass. Then, we'll go get drinks okay?" He sighed, kissing her forehead.

"Drinks first?"

"Clothes first."

"Drinks first and I kiss you."

"You're kissing me either way," Luke grinned cheekily, "I just saved you."

Bri rolled her eyes, reaching on her tiptoes to briefly peck his lips. "Thank you."

"You're welcome my lady," the blonde replied, still smirking as he wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her in deeper this time. When they stopped and rested their foreheads together, Luke grinned as he caught his breath. "I love you."

Bri softened, inhaling the cinnamon scent of Luke's scarf. "I love you too."

He unwrapped his scarf, bringing it around her neck instead, and took her hand, leading her along the path. "Now come on we got drinks to get."

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