April 14th, 2005

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It was crying that he heard first. Really low, muffled sobs and fast breathing, the occasional whine and stifle of noise. And he was used to it, he knew exactly how his girlfriend sounded when she needed to cry.

Luke threw an arm around her waist and Bri immediately complied, turning into him and crying into his chest- wetting his shirt. His legs were already entangled with her own and he used the leverage to pull her closer as if to shield her from the world.

Because his girl might be a daughter of Ares, a commanding officer, strong and skilled in combat- but he was still her protector. Luke is warm, he's safe and he's her home, and she reaches out for him too.

"Angel I'm here," he says simply, threading his fingers through her hair just the way she likes. The blonde makes sure his chest is steady, slowing his breathing so that she'll feel it. And eventually, the slow rise and fall of his chest lure her in, and her breathing slows too.

Three words are all that's needed.

His hand rests on her hip, thumb stroking small circles. He knows it's her favorite place for his hands, and every time skin meets skin there she seems to suck in that same innocent breath she always does. His hand goes to her hip when they dance late at night together, his hand goes to her hip when he pulls her in for the warmest of kisses, it goes there when they indulge in the most human way of love- so it goes there now when she needs him most.

Bri's sobs are soon quiet and the warm exhales of her mouth cause Luke to gently smile. Blue eyes open slowly, still half-lidded with exhaustion, and she yawns before nuzzling closer to him if that was possible.

"I could sing if you want me to," Luke whispers, unable to resist as he places a kiss on the top of her head.

She considers it with a smile of her own, pulling away briefly to dry her tears. "It's okay Lu, I'm okay," Bri insists. Bringing a leg over his body she crawls up his chest, settling herself on top of him with an ear pressed to his heartbeat.

Luke's smirk comes back, deft fingers lifting the covers over them both now and shifting himself to get comfortable and her hair out of his face. Her arms eventually come up around his shoulders like a koala, and her boyfriend is overwhelmed with adoration.

He likes nothing more than her hanging onto him, being the pressure on his body that warms him up and prevents him from escaping to anywhere but her embrace. And just like that, he falls in love with his wife all over again. Girlfriend. "Girlfriend," he reminds himself.

And his lips start humming, his chest vibrating gently. It's a good feeling, and the cabin is quiet except for this little song he sings, Bri softly sighing in content. She'd kiss him senseless if she could, first his pointed nose and then along his scar and his forehead and both cheeks and eventually his lips slowly and sensually but she's too tired right now. Kisses in the morning, hugs and hums right now.

"I love you," Luke murmurs, softly stroking her back. If she wanted to talk, she would. But Luke knew her love language was touch, and he'd hold her for as long as she needed until she was ready.

"I know," Bri quietly replies, listening to the soft hum of her boyfriend as she falls asleep.

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