I saw you guys kiss

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Riley's POV

I was heading to the mall when I saw Maya and Farkle. I saw them kiss.....wait a minute, are they dating. And then Maya didn't tell me. I walk over there. Maya sees me and then runs off. Farkle looks confused and then runs after her. I was really surprised especially since I didn't say anything.

Maya's POV

When I saw Riley I ran and I don't even know why......I guess I was nervous, I mean she did see us kiss, right. I run off to this small factory called Walmart. And before you ask no I didn't go inside. I went behind the factory. I use to come here but then I got my best friend Riley which I'm pretty sure we're not friends anymore. Behind it was a little tree house that fell down from its tree. When I was little I kept a journal so I could write my feelings down. I walked in, it looked so old. I kept my journal under the floor board so that way no one would find it. I picked the journal up and began to write everything that has happened so far.


AN.     I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Sorry I haven't updated. And I'm also sorry because this chapter is short but guys don't leave me hanging I need ideas I need.......inspiration you know what I mean and I will be updating this weekend so don't go crazy. Comment and message me for ideas thank you guys for reading Byeee, love you guys


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