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"Sorry my dear, Sorry I made you go out that night, I should have thought about your safety before sending you out late in the night" my mom said as she gave me a comforting hug.

"That Ahmad Santalma, Why did he have to tarnish my daughter's image like that? Now anyone who knows her would think she is a whore" my mom complained.

"I think the only thing Ahmad Santalma deserves from you now is a thank you. He saved your daughter from the hands of those rapists and brought her back home to you safely. Actions are judged based on intentions you know, his method might be wrong but his intentions are clean" my Dad said to my mom sporting a disappointed look.

"Mom, Dad I think what we should be doing now is thinking about how to make people forget about this situation we are in now" Hindu said to my parents and they both looked at her. She had a point, the only way out of the situation was to make them forget about it, not that they'll completely forget though. My parents were both quiet for some minutes before my dad finally spoke up.

"There is a solution Hindu, but it's unattainable. We don't have the power to get the solution we are looking for" Dad said looking sad. Our ears perked up at the sound of a solution and we all looked at him with expectant faces.

Dad has always taught me to be contented with whatever I have but I knew for sure that deep down, he was not happy to be a poor person. I've always seen this sadness on his face whenever he couldn't get me something I wanted.

"What's the solution, tell us" my mom spoke with so much curiosity in her voice. She also couldn't wait to hear whatever the solution was.

"There's no use saying it because that solution is way beyond our reach" Dad said again andThis time he sounded frustrated.

"Just tell us Dad, you were the same person who told us that nothing is impossible when you have God on your side. Whatever it is just tell us let's know how to go about it" I said impatiently. Every one of us was hanging on a loose thread now. We all wanted to hear the solution my Dad had come up with.

"The one and only solution to our problem now is marriage, marriage between Fannah and Ahmad Santalma" Dad dropped the bombshell.

Marriage between me and Ahmad Santalma?! That had to be the cruelest joke of the century. Dad couldn't be serious could he? The whole world knew that Ahmad Santalma was the last person I'll ever have the privilege to marry.

All three of us stood there staring at Dad with wide mouths. "What! That's impossible, you know that would never happened" my mom screamed, breaking the silence.

"Exactly my point" Dad agreed with her "Fannah and Ahmad Santalma can never get married because they are not of the Same class. The Santalmas are the second richest in the whole country and  I am just an ordinary Gateman In one of their numerous companies" Dad lamented

"There can't be any marriage between them, the Santalmas can't stoop to our level. I am not complaining but sometimes, I wonder why I'm this poor. I wouldn't have been bothered if it was only I who would be affected by my poverty. But my whole family has to suffer along with me...." Dad continued but I cut him off.

"No Dad, don't say that" I said as I rushed to him and pulled him in a hug. My mom also got emotional and joined the hug. It broke my heart to see my father like that because of me.

"No don't say so. We all love you very much and we are contented with whatever it is that you have. We don't care if you are rich or poor, all that matters is that you are here with us" my mom said to my dad in tears.

"The both of you might never have mentioned it but I know that deep down, you both want to live comfortably. The both of you want to wear nice clothes and eat good food. But I can't give all that to you" Dad cried again and burried his head in his palms.

"No Dad don't say so. I've been with mom and Fannah for so long now and I understand them. The both of them Love you regardless of your financial condition. You know that I am Fannah's best friend and she tells me everything. But I assure you that she has never complained about you being financially unstable. All she does is shower you with praises. In fact Dad your family consider themselves very lucky to have you" Hindu assured him and he seemed to calm down a bit.

"So now that we don't have a solution, let's just leave fate to decide for us. Let's hope the people of Toure forget everything that has happened very soon" Dad sniffed and we both hugged him again. That was the only thing we could wish for, for the people of Toure to forget what just happened. The people of Toure are some of judgemental people who could even refuse their son marrying me just for the sake of the picture.

"Erm, Mom and Dad. Fannah i think I should get going now. My mother must be looking for me. Just call me if you need anything okay?" She said and I nodded and sent her a smil. What could I have done without Hindu's support in trying times like this?

"Thank you Hindu, May the Lord bless you abundantly" mom and Dad chorused and flashed her a dashing smile. She smiled back and left the house. My best friend is the best there could ever be. I can't trade her for anything in this world.

"Fannah, go and finish the dishes and I'll prepare breakfast. Our breakfast is a little late today. And after doing the dishes you can just have a rest. You won't be Hawking groundnuts today" mom said offering me a weak smile. I understood she was trying to make me feel better so I didn't object.

I managed to smile back and made my way to the kitchen. Lord please see us through our problems.



"Sir, I'm sorry to disturb you but there's something I want to tell you" A maid asked to talk to me while I was walking from the garden to my room and trying to recollect my thoughts. I had to go and get ready to see Fannah's parents.

"Be quick" I said to her. I had no time to waste and I was actually wondering why she would want to talk to me. What was she going to tell me that she couldn't tell my father about?

"Sir, News has spread in the palace about your marriage to that girl. But sir we all know that she doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone better than her. You and Jasi make a good couple. She is beautiful, intelligent, classy, highly educated and above all she is from a well to do Family sir. And that Fannah, she is nothing compared to Jasi. She didn't even get to attend a good school. Her father is very poor and she is even a groundnut hawker. I don't think she deserves to be the mother of your children. Please sir, I beg you not to ruin your life by marrying her. I'm sure there is a better solution that will be better than marrying Fannah. Moreover sir....." The maid rattled and I cut her off. I was actually shocked at her audacity.

"Enough okay, is this the nonsense you wanted to tell me? Well thank you for your advice but let me make it very clear to you that, I am the boss around here and you are just a bun. Stay in your limits and don't try to dictate what I get to do okay? And in case you wanna know, whatever solution you have in mind is unattainable. And don't you ever think of giving me any type of advice again" I scolded the maid and headed straight to my room. What business did she think she had in my life and how would it even affect her if if I married who?

I just couldn't believe that stupid maid just said  that nonsense to me. Poor people can be very funny to be honest. I thought poor people were supposed to love themselves and stand by each other since they share the same pain, but no that lowly maid instead of minding her business came to me to think of an unattainable solution

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