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       Mistress Asthana

"Ayra, Go through these files for me please, you know where to put them when you're done" I spoke to my secretary. She took the files from me after muttering a 'yes ma' and made her way outside.

"Wait" I ordered, she turned around, giving me her full attention "I'll be leaving the office in a minute. Let it be known to anyone who wants to see me, that I won't be available until Monday" I instructed. She nodded vigorously.

"Yes ma, have a nice weekend" she said. I smiled, and replied with a you too. She left my office, hugging the files I had given her earlier.

I pulled my pink blazer from the coat hanger and put it on, it went well with my pink 7" heels. I slung my handbag on my shoulder and exited the office.

Many heads turned to my direction as soon as I stepped out, but no one dared to make eye contact. I didn't feel a tiny bit uncomfortable at all, I was used to it. I always got stares from both genders whenever I stepped a foot into that building, but I liked to think they were all stares of admiration.

I exited the building and made my way to the parking lot, I was about to unlock my black Mercedes AMG, when I felt a light poke on my arm. I knew who it was before I saw him, his perfume filled my nostrils and I let out a small laugh.

"Just, why on earth do you feel the need to trouble me, whenever you see me?" He rolled his eyes in response.
"Closing early today? Seems like we have the same mind" I teased. He made a disgusted face at me.

I decided to leave work early, because tonight was the night of Tamby building company's annual ball, I wanted to get enough rest before going for the ball. And most importantly, to get my beauty sleep. It was very important for me to look my best at such a public place.

"Oh no! I definitely don't have the same mind with you, mine is of the highest rank" he replied, jokingly. I rolled my eyes in response.

"I'll race you home" he suddenly announced. My eyes widened at that. I quickly shook my head no.

"Naah, not today. I want to look very good for the ball, so I have to stay away from unnecessary stress" I declined. He gave me a look that said he didn't believe me, then one side of his lip curled up in a smirk.

"The girl is scareeed. Come on don't be a scaredy cat. What will people think when they here that you, of all people is scared to take on a simple challenge?" He asked. I gave him a flat look.

"Come on, don't be silly. You know I'd definitely win, when I finally agree to race you home one day" I gloated. In reality, I was well aware, that I was never going to win against Mahmud Asthana, Never. That was why I always declined his invitation to a race.

"You know what? Let's just go together, in my car" I suggested. He tilted his head, a sign that he was considering, then finally, he nodded.

"Let me drive" he offered. I threw the keys at him and he easily caught it. I was already feeling lazy, so I wasn't going to turn down such an amazing offer.

He unlocked the car, and we both climbed in. After a 10mins drive, he pulled up at a giant iron gate, he flashed the headlights and the gate opened automatically. He drove into the compound, and parked the car, beside the other cars.

We climbed out, and walked to the main building, it was a giant two storey mansion, with numerous whistling trees, beautifully arranged in rows. Then there was a big water fountain in the middle of the spacious compound.

Mahmud unlocked the door and we stepped into the living room, The house was very quiet, since those minions were not around. I heaved a huge sigh of relief as I noticed.

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