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The video began playing, it was a video of Ahmad in a black Rolls-Royce, with rolled down glasses, driving into light o Loves at Maximum speed.

Light o Loves was the red light district of Toure, where a lot of active brothels existed and it tarnished your family's image to be found there. It was believed that people from respected families do not visit light o Loves, but I didn't believe that, It took a lot more than a few farmers, to keep a brothel running.

"I didn't fully believe this until now! I didn't raise my child to be like this, I taught him better values than this. I never thought my son will end up in a prostitute's arms one day, he's put our family name to shame" The Queen ranted. Her voice was shaky, It was obvious that she crying.

The living room was quiet, all you could hear were faint sobs coming from the queen and Huda. Aleena sat in a corner, she didn't look unbothered like she usually did, she was sad, disappointed even. Aleena didn't look like she was going to support her brother like she always did.

I mentally rolled my eyes at the unnecessary drama, the issue wasn't such a big deal, that needed all that crying and brooding. And, visiting the red light district doesn't really guarantee that a person went to do the doing things with a prostitute.

The truth was, I didn't believe that Ahmad even went there to begin with. Going to light o Loves tainted the image of the whole of the individual's family, and, Ahmad loved his family's honor more than he loved himself, he let go of Jasi, for the sake of his family's honor, he married a woman he had no interest in, just for his family's honor, so, it made absolutely no sense that, that same person would go to Light o Loves in broad daylight for everyone to see.

I glanced at Sa'ad, the disgusting man who created that fake video, because I was sure it was fake, and presented it to the king, without an atom of fear in his heart. He sat there on a chair, with a satisfied smirk on his stupid face. I felt a sudden urge to wipe off that smirk with a mighty slap, but there was no way I could do that, I was now a Santalma, and they had a strong hate, for violence.

"You! Just, aren't you ashamed of yourself? What will you gain by doing this? Why do you feel the need to ruin the image of an innocent man?" With so much difficulty, I was able to keep myself from shouting, but the anger was evident in my voice. I couldn't stay quiet and watch him get insulted like that. Ahmad and I weren't good friends, but he was a good person.

Sa'ad looked startled at first, but he quickly regained his composure. He didn't dare speak a word though, he looked at the queen instead, silently seeking for intercession, and of course, she interceded.

"Fannah, what are you saying to that man? He's only a well wisher, he means no harm. Speak nicely" the Queen scolded. I shifted my gaze to her, she was still seated on her seat, dabbing her eyes with a paper towel. I shook my head at her ignorance. I wasn't happy that she let her emotions cloud her better judgement, I was also disappointed, that a queen, would swallow every hook, line and sinker that comes her way.

"Mother, you think this man here is a well wisher? You see the person who came all the way here to make you doubt your upbringing as a well wisher? No he's not, he's just some jobless man, who's only Job is to take gossips from one place to another. This man here, has created a fake video of your son in that disgusting place. he's not a well wisher mother, if he..." I began to explain, but I didn't get the chance to finish.

"Fannah! Watch what you say" she boomed. Anger was evident in her voice as she spoke. On any other day, I would have crawled back into my shell, after being shouted at by an angry queen, but I too was angry and disappointed at that point, I was angry that the royal family of such a vast Kingdom, welcomed snitches, and I was disappointed, that they all let a single fake video determine the character of a man they'd known all their lives.

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