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I stared at the letter in my hands, like I was expecting it to magically start explaining it's content. I decided to read the letter again for the millionth time. I just couldn't understand why he was doing that.

Fannah dearest
I was very nice to you the first time, but you decided to throw my warnings out the window and go ahead with the marriage, right? But it's okay.
I'll tell you nicely again, to live the prince alone. Free him from that prison you call a marriage, so he can be happy and think properly when he ascends the throne.
You know he already is in love with someone else, may the Lord bless Jasi's heart for her kindness, the Lord knows I would have shredded you to pieces if it was me in Jasi's place.
Ahmad will never love you. What then is the use of keeping yourself in a loveless marriage? Ask for Khula, for the sake of his and your happiness. I won't be this nice next time

Ahna's frienemy

I didn't need to be told who this Ahna's frienemy was, I reckoned it was the very same person who was responsible for my kidnap at that mall, before the wedding, the one who sent the first letter, Ahmad Dugu Santalma.

I found the letter, early that morning in the food basket that was sent from the palace. I was very disappointed, that a person of such caliber, would choose to send letters from the background, instead of facing me like a man.

I folded the letter and kept it safely in my bedside drawer, there was no use making a big deal out of that piece of paper, they were just empty threats and nothing else. I pulled a cloak from it's hanger and headed downstairs. "Yamini! Yamini" I hollered.

I met Yamini downstairs and we headed inside the palace, to see Huda. Huda and Aleena, had all of their attention focused on a magazine in front of them when I got to the room. I salammed and entered the room.

Huda looked at me with me a wide grin spread on her face. Aleena didn't even acknowledge my presence, instead, she stood up from her seat, bade her sister goodbye and walked out of the room. That was always how it was with Aleena and I, she always made it clear that she wasn't okay with my presence, I didn't let her get under my skin though.

"It's fine, ignore her" I huffed as soon as I realized that Huda was about to reprimand Aleena. It was no use scolding the girl, she listened to no one, except that brother of hers, scolding her wiltbe a huge waste if breath.

"Come, take a look at my new crush. what do you think?" Huda chirped excitedly. I took a look at the magazine and caught sight of the guy she was pointing to. His face was just basic, but his body? His body was that of a greek god.

I felt a hand slam my mouth shut, it was then, I realized that my mouth was actually hanging open, while I was busy admiring the hulk in the magazine.

"Fannah! You're married to my brother, you shouldn't be drooling over another guy! Thats too in my presence. Ahmad is way more desirable than this guy" Huda yelled. My eyes went wide and I immediately clamped her mouth shut, with my hand.

"Hey! Keep your voice down. What if someone hears you?" I cautioned. She rolled her eyes and I released her mouth, giving her a hard glare.

"But on a serious note, tell me, my brother is way more built that this guy isn't he" she deadpanned. I merely gave her a flat look, and looked away.

What was I even supposed to tell her? Anything I said would definitely be a huge lie. I had never gotten the chance to see him without a shirt before, so I wouldn't know what his body looked like, even though he looked muscular even with his shirt on, it's not like it had ever crossed my mind to check him out though.

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