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I was busy, examining a case file when my phone crooned for my attention, It was an unknown number. I swiped right, picking the call and placing the phone on my ear, with a little apprehension.

"Good morning madam, a teacher from the Nobles' schools speaking. Your son, Jalaluddeen, sprained his ankle and has been crying since. Can you send someone to get him please?" A lady spoke from the other end of the phone. It was only by the Lord's grace that I was able to remain calm after hearing the teachers words.

"Ya ilahiy, My son, how is he? Is he alright? Tell me" I demanded. I have sprained my ankle once before, and it was not a nice experience. I just couldn't imagine how a child would handle so much pain.

"Calm down madam, it's not so bad. It's just a minor injury, he'll be fine soon" the teacher announced. It gave me a little relief to hear that, but then again, she could just be saying that to calm me down.

"Okay, thank you madam, I'll be there soon" I informed, and ended the call. I took out my car keys from a drawer attached to my table and hurriedly exited the office.

I made my way to Mahmud's office, I wanted to inform him before leaving just in case he needed my help with anything. I was in front of his office in no time, I was about to let my self in, like I usually did, but then I heard him having a serious conversation with someone on phone. I wasn't one to eavesdrop, but my name was mentioned, you know how the ear works when it hears your name, you just can't stop it from listening.

"Amar, I know she is the best lawyer we have, but let's try to be considerate, Let's not make her do this. I'll try to find someone else, who is just as good" Mahmud said to Amar, the oldest of his six older brothers.

I wanted to stay and listen some more, but then, I had an injured child, waiting to get picked up from school. Instead of  just letting my self in, I decided to knock instead.

He ended the call with his brother and let me in. He didn't have his usual playful demeanor, a matter had to be very serious for Mahmud to look like that.

"I just got a call from the children's school, Mahmud. Rumi sprained his ankle and I need to go get him from school" I informed. He looked at me with worried eyes.

"Subhanallah, how is he? Hold on, let's go together" Mahmud offered, searching for his car keys amidst the numerous filled, scattered on his desk. I was quick to decline though. I didn't want to stress him further, he already had an issue going on.

"No, don't worry. I'll be fine on my own. It's just a minor injury" I said. He looked unconvinced, but he didn't want to argue. I hurriedly left the building and drove to Nobles' schools.

My mind kept wandering to Mahmud's phone call, with Amar earlier. I wanted to know what Amar wanted me to do and why Mahmud was against it.

I reached the school after a fifteen minutes drive. I parked my car, and headed straight to the nursery section. I located Rumi's class room by reading the label cards, placed on the entrance of each class. The class teacher had a heap of books on her desk, It looked like she was marking, while the pupils busied themselves with coloring pens and books.

"Oh, welcome madam, Jalaluddeen's mother, right? I could tell from your facial features, he looks exactly like you" The teacher beamed, as soon as she became aware of my presence. I managed to make my fake smile look convincing.

Inwardly, I rolled my eyes at her blatant lie, Rumi looked nothing like me, he was the exact replica of his father. The teacher just happened to know me from somewhere, which wasn't a surprise.

"Where is he?" I asked. I sounded a little bit more on edge than I wanted to.

"Oh, he's not here. He's at the infirmary. Let me take you to see him" she offered. I nodded curtly, letting her lead the way.

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