Chapter 4

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"Excuse me.." I got up from my seat and approach the lady. "I'm sorry but please tell me who did this? Who gave you all of the instruction?" I asked in desperate to find this person name with initial P.JM. "I'm sorry Miss but I really don't know who gave this. My boss told me to follow the instruction given." I pity the lady for feeling pressured. My eyes then met with a pair of familiar eyes. He stood outside the window. I slowly walked my way out of the restaurant and look for him. I'm pretty sure that is him. The road gets darker and darker as I walked and I found myself far away from the restaurant. "Sun Hee.." the voice whispered next to my left ear and when I turned around, I finally found him. My angel.

The beeping sound of the monitor alerted the nurses in the hospital ward. "Quick! Get the doctor, patient in room 616 is up." The nurses rush to the ward and they begin to check the patient. "Move, doctor is here." The staff nurse said and they immediately back away. "Her body is in shock. Is her bp reading fine?" The doctor ask and the nurse replied yes. "Everything is normal. Except her heart rate. Is she waking up finally?" The nurse asked and the female doctor nod. "Yes. Prepare the medications as per stated here." She hand the prescribed to the nurse and check on Sun Hee's heartbeat. "Sun Hee ah.. it is time for you to wake up. You've been asleep for too long." The female doctor whispered and finally her body relaxed and her eyes fixed on the doctor.
Sun Hee POV
I tried to speak but my mouth does not allow to do so. Even my body can't move at the moment. "Sun Hee.. I'm Dr Min. You've been in a deep sleep for a year now. Welcome back." The doctor hold my hand and smiles. A year? I had a dream of myself graduating with my friends and even celebrate it. It was all a dream. One year. It's been one year. "Your friends did not fail to visit you every weekend. They played your favorite song, share with you stories about school and how boring and miserable their lives were, without you around." The doctor said as she flashes torchlight into my eyes and it made me squint.

"At the moment your body will have difficulty to move due to it being asleep for a year. I will help you out with your body movements. It will take time but surely." The doctor then let the nurse handle the medication. "Antibiotic will be given to you. You'll feel nausea but it is normal. I will get you some food to eat. You've been depending too much on drip." With that the doctor left. The nurses begin to gently pull out the wire from my chests, arms and the oxygen wire from my nose. "Miracle that you're alive, Miss Lee. Your case was all over the news last year. Scary part was that few of your rapists were found dead in the most gruesome way." Rapists...

"Yah! Stop talking shit. She just woke up. Because of you she might wish to be asleep for one whole year." Another nurse snapped. My body is still exhausted and my eyes just want to close and sleep once again. "There all good. Wait for your food to arrive. Meantime, is there anyone that you would like us to call?" The nurse ask. "Idiot! She just woke up. I'll call your guardian. He has been the one handling everything here. From medical bills to all the gifts here." Gifts? I slowly tried to turn my head and I managed to glance a few colorful flowers and balloons. "Don't worry. You're still adjusting yourself." The nurse smiles and both of them left me alone.
Jimin POV
"Ah damn it! I lost again. Since when you're good at Poker, Jimin ah?" Taehyung slammed the card on the table and push the tokens towards me. "Since forever. You know I'm just good at this, Taehyung ah." I smirk before turning over and carefully pour the cocaine on the whore's arm and snort it at one shot. I leaned back and groaned with pleasure.

"Jin hyung! I'm done with her. You can prepare dinner now!" I yell and hyung grabbed the whore's messy hair and jab her neck with toxin that kills within seconds. Jin then dragged her body down the basement to slaughter it. "For fuck sake, Park Jimin! Can you stop showing these to Na Ri?" Jungkook throw my cocaine into the fireplace and I feel like throwing Na Ri in the fireplace too. "Who told you to bring her out?" I rolled my eyes, looking down at the little one who seem to struggle to stand. "My house is not The Royals. This is a house and there's baby in here." He nagged like an old man now. Na Ri look at me and she laughs with her two small teeth on her bottom gum. "Little shit." I stick out my tongue at her before I felt a smack on my head. "That's the High Priest daughter, you idiot." Taehyung said. "Whatever. I'm out."

I stepped out of the house to get fresh air. Cocaine makes it better. I can see millions of stars in the sky. The stars that reminds me of her eyes before she close them. Fuck it has been a year. I took out my cigarette and place a stick in between my lips. I light it up and inhale sharply before releasing it. My phone interrupted my thoughts. I look at the unknown number and ignore it. The more they call me, the more ignore it until I saw the ID caller on my phone. "MIN WITCH."

"Eun Chae! What the fuck do you want?" I gritted my teeth feeling agitated. "Well idiot. You should have answered the phone calls from the hospital." The hospital. I raise my brows before it comes to my realization. "Don't tell me..." I paused my words and Eun Chae on the other line smiling.

"Yes prince charming. Your princess, Sun Hee is up from her long coma."


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