Chapter 9

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Eun Chae POV
I watched Jimin carefully lift up Sun Hee's body and placed her on the wheelchair. He then placed the blanket on her lap and the spare one over her head to cover herself up from being exposed around men. Well I find it interesting how she could actually remain calm with Jimin. Does it have anything to do with him being part of the cult or simply love. I can't allow Yoongi to find out about this. Lately he seem different. "Eun Chae, help me with her antibiotic drip." I look at Jimin and nod before making my way to the drip stand and unscrew it before placing it at the back of the wheelchair. "Do you want me to accompany you?" I asked and Jimin raise his brow.

"Are you busy? If yes then you don't have to. I got this. Furthermore I'm sure Yoongi hyung don't like the idea of you getting involve much with me and Sun Hee." How did he know? Did Yoongi warned him before? I nod and look at Sun Hee's figure that is hidden by the blanket. "Call me if something happen alright?" I told Jimin and nod. I follow them all the way to the staff lift lobby to allow Jimin have the access to the rooftop garden. "Call me once you're done." I added and Jimin narrowed his eyes. "I got it. Thank you Dr Min." With that he pushed the wheelchair into the elevator and I tap my card, pressing the letter R button to bring them all the way up to the rooftop garden.

Jimin POV
As soon we arrived at the rooftop garden, I slowly push her out of the elevator and the automatic door open, allowing the night breeze to greet us. Sun Hee pull the blanket that is covering her head behind allowing herself to see the night view of the city. "It's been awhile since I feel the night wind." She said as I slowly push her along the garden. "Funny how you're the first person to take me out of the ward after my one year of sleeping." She continue talking and that made me smile. "And you're the last person I saw before I was in coma." There was a long pause before I stopped her wheelchair nearer to where she can see the view of the city, closer. I placed the blanket over her body and sat down at the bench next to her.

"You're not a doctor aren't you?" She asked and I let out a chuckle. "No, I am not. I've been visiting you ever since the incident. Dr Min Eun Chae is a family friend. She's been helping me getting in to visit you every night." I was being honest as I look at her and she gave me a slight smile. "It was hard for me. Hard for me to go through the pain through out the entire time I was asleep. I kept having the same nightmare over and over again. But whenever I have a different kind of dream, you will always be there." That is because I had to enter her dream just to avoid any further nightmare but of course I can't tell her that. I can't let her know who I am. The real me.

"Dreams and Nightmare are just part of your sleep. They're not real." I said as I turn to look at her. "You have to recover fast and get out of this place. I'm sure you miss your friends and family. Even your boyfriend, Bam Bam." I smirked and she frowned. "Bam Bam? You met him?" I nod. She frowned and her expression tells me that she dislike this man. "We broke up way before. I didn't know he came by to visit." She says and I raise my brow. "Well he did but of course the nurses didn't allow him to visit you in ward considering how you're still traumatized with men." I said as I look at her and gave her a sympathy smile.

"And you're an exception?" She asked. Oh what a savage. "I saved your life. Plus if you really have fear and traumatized with men which includes myself, you wouldn't allow me carry you and even be here with you." I replied before poking my inner cheek with my tongue. Another long silence. I made my point. This probably may be the first and last time me and Sun Hee will be having this conversation. I don't want to let her involve in such dark world of mine. "Sun Hee, you need to recover fast alright? Live back your normal life. It won't be easy but I believe you are strong enough to go through this. Believe me, you're given second chance to live." I said as I turn to look at her who is staring back at me in confusion. Yeah I'm sounding like a professional therapist right now.

"Then will you be there to guide me through my new life?" She asked and of course not. "Yes." I lied just so she could actually have hope in her life. Such a painful thing for me to do this but I have no choice. "Great then. In that case, I will follow accordingly and you must be there the day I'll be discharged from this hospital." I smile making it as an assurance for her. "Promise?" We don't do promises but of course, promise is just a word. I'm sorry, Sun Hee. "Promise." I said before I got up. "Come on, lets get you back inside." I said as I give Eun Chae a call. "I'm done." I said before hanging up the call. A few minutes later, Eun Chae arrives and she allow both of us to enter the elevator. She gave me a nod and I returned the same.

After settling her back on the ward, I noticed how she smiles and ate her medication well. The empty promise, motivate her to eat well and follow accordingly. I waited until she falls asleep and leave the ward. "You promised to be with her until she discharge. Don't leave her so soon." Eun Chae said and I feel like she got the point but then again, Yoongi hyung.. plus I might be putting her in danger. "Listen witch, I'm not a nice person to begin with. I don't want her to get involve in our dark world where we live as Devil's slaves. You know it yourself how we are all. She is an innocent human being who was a rape victim. I was there to just saved her life." The witch frown. "Don't compare her to Na Ra or yourself. You two are destined to be with your partner but not her. She is just a random stranger."

Sun Hee POV
I wasn't really asleep as soon Jimin left the room. I sit up and look outside the window once again. But somehow the reflection from the window caught my attention. A man is standing few feet behind me. I turned my head slowly to look at the reflection behind me but there is no one. My heart monitor indicate my heart rate increases as I still saw the same man reflection on the window. When I turned behind once again, still there isn't no one until I turned in front and there is a man dressed in all black standing there.

"Evening, love. My name is Min Yoongi." He smiles sinisterly at me.

" He smiles sinisterly at me

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