Chapter 39

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Jimin POV
Of course I know he was one of those rapist. He was part of the cult. "Get in the car, angel." I said as I opened the car door for her and assist her with the seatbelt. "Calm down alright. I got this." I gently caresses her cheek before closing the door. "I'm sorry. My girlfriend has a slight trauma. We just came back from seeing her therapist." I explained to the wife while remembering her face and scent. I did the same for the child who seems to hide his face as soon he looks at me. Of course children can see the devil in me. The look on the man's face tells me that he is scared to death cause he knows what will be coming for him soon or must I say, who.

I get back into the car and noticed how Sun Hee is all trembling. She begin to dig her fingers deep into her skin causing her to bleed. Her trauma is haunting her once again. "Look at me, angel." I said in a calm tone while she slowly turn to look at me. "Remember what we talked about last night? About how you willing to be a strong woman." She nods as she tries to control herself from hurting herself any further. "Suck it up and be that woman. If it is hard for you, I'll have to use my way to fix that." I said as I hold her hands to stop her. "Look at yourself. You hurting yourself again." I point out and when she looked down, she realized that her arm is bleeding. I lift up her arm and run my tongue along the blood that is dripping.

I decided to drop by Jungkook's mansion to let the rest know the truth. The truth about Sun Hee's rapists. As soon I stopped my car at the driveway, Sun Hee look outside and saw Na Ra playing with Na Ri and Min Chae. I got out of the car and saw Na Ri notice me. "MIN!" She runs wobbly towards me and I ignore her which cause her to chase after me. "MIN!!!" Her baby voice still calling out my name "Jimin..." Na Ra walks towards me with Min Chae in her arms. "Are you here alone?" Na Ra asked and I shake my head. "No. Sun Hee is in the car. Something happened earlier on. Can you help me calm her mind?" I asked and Na Ra looked in the car and nod. "I'm here to meet Jungkook and the rest. They're in right?" I asked Na Ra and she nods while watched me pinched Na Ri's cheek hard. "You're an ass." Na Ra said. "ASS!" Na Ri repeated after her and I laughed. "That was on you. You did it to yourself." I smirked as I get into the mansion.

Sun Hee POV
I watched as Jimin walks into the mansion, leaving me alone in the car while Na Ra handling the babies. "Sun Hee, nice to see you again." Na Ra said as soon as I opened the door and stepped out of the car. She hugs me and the little Na Ri follows. "HEE!" Na Ri held out her arms and I carry her. It feels comforting to hug this little one after seeing that scum's face. "I'm glad you're here. I was about to take Na Ri play at the backyard. Sonara is there waiting for us." Na Ra lead the way to the backyard and I follow silently.

"Unnie!" Sonara stopped whatever she's doing and run towards me to give me a hug. "I miss you." She said before I returned the hug and gently stroke her hair. "Me too." I smile before placing Na Ri down. The little one begins to run around and I look at Sonara. "I'm going to play with Na Ri now." With that she left me with Na Ra who is already seated at the round table by the garden. "How was your medical review?" Na Ra asked as she placed Min Chae on the baby chair and begin to put on the baby bib around the little one's neck. "Eun Chae told me it is all healed. Jimin's blood I guess." I replied as I watch her feed Min Chae who looks is a mini version of Yoongi.

"You're lucky that he found you that night. Hell knows what would happened if he didn't." I give her a slight smile before watching Na Ri running around chasing Sonara. "Can I ask you something?" I turn to look at Na Ra. "Were you born as part of the cult?" Na Ra smiles and shakes her head. "Nope. My story is kinda tragic and full of lies. I'm kinda fated to be part of Jungkook's life since I was in my mother's womb." Na Ra let out a soft laughter. "Believe it or not, I was a Catholic girl who believed in God. Whose house have cross, Jesus statue and bible. But well the devil came and changed everything." She said it like as if it was normal. "Then how did you get yourself involves in this cult world?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Simple. I embrace it. The fact that my life has always been full of lies so I actually questioned God as for this matter. Oh why did he not protect me from the beginning when I actually on the other hand been worshipping him. That makes me believe that he actually doesn't care." Her words made me think for a moment. She got the point. "Are you a religious person too?" She asked and I shake my head. "

"No. Not really. I believe God exist but I am not someone who holds strong on faith and belief. Probably thats why my life is full of nightmare and sufferings." I replied as Na Ra hold my hand which made me look up. "The funny thing is that, the devil was the one that came to save me." I said as I felt tears on my cheek. "Sun Hee.. it's alright. Jimin did not force you to join the cult right?" She asked and I shake my head. "Then don't worry about it. Just be normal." I wipe away my tears and nod.

Jimin POV
"WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU TOLD THEM?!" Jin's voice echoed the whole room. "I wanted them to find redemption for what they've done and things just went in different direction." Well as expected Jin hyung is mad as fuck. "So you caused Sun Hee to get raped." He grab my collar and slammed me against the wall. "The fuck is wrong with you? Well fuck! This cult do not practice such redemption, Jimin. This is all in that psycho head of yours. We do not practice such redemption!" He slammed me hard once again and slap me.

"You know what I'm starting to believe that the reason why Sun Hee got raped instead of other woman is because the devil wants you to suffer. It ate you up badly." My eyes dilated and I choke Jin's neck before pressing his head hard against the wall. "Enough!" Jungkook slammed the table. "What was done is done. Now we all know the truth. Jimin is the devil's vessel and he is stronger than you Jin Hyung. Watch your mouth as you speak to him." I let go of Jin and smirked devilishly at him while fixing my collar.

"Now, we shall get the six men tonight and start begin to punish them." Jungkook said and I turn to look at Jungkook. "Six?" I raised my brow. "You mentioned there were six of them didn't you?" I laughed and nod. "Oh yeah six but we're hunting three tonight." I said as I sat on Jungkook's desk. "What happened to three more?" He asked. "Well one died that night so that means left five. Three still roams freely while the other two..

"Locked and chained in my basement."

A/N: Sorry if this chapter is boring 😓

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter is boring 😓

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