Chapter 17

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Jimin POV
I saw the fear in Yoongi's eyes when I said that. "You should know better than me, hyung." I said as I look him in the eyes. "Next time, think before you speak." I grabbed my jacket and leave the room. "Leaving already?" Na Ra asked as she is trying to put Na Ri to sleep. I ignore her question as I put on my black combat shoes. "How is she?" I look at her and raise my brow. "Don't bother asking." With that I left and head over to my car. Whatever that is going to happen after this, I will not meddle around. At the moment, I need to leave and find my answer.

Jungkook POV
"What is Jimin talking about, hyung?" I asked Yoongi as soon Jimin left the meeting. "Nothing." He said monotonously. Jin hyung and I exchange glance before he gives me a nod. "You better let us know if you're having some problems, Yoongi hyung. We all are a cult. We work together." Truth to be told, Yoongi was not the fit and suitable vessel for the devil himself. I'm not trying to say I'm better but the way he runs this cult, it seems like a failure to me. I keep it to myself and continue to observe him and as time passes by, my observations seems right. I noticed that the door has been closed and locked. Namjoon and Jin hyung are already standing behind Yoongi.

I look at both of them and nod. They kick the back of Yoongi's knees making him kneel in front of me. Both Namjoon and Jin hyung hold Yoongi's shoulder firmly. Taehyung hand me the red candle that has already been light up and I recite a few chant before blowing off the candle. "Occurret." I summoned the devil without Yoongi's willingness. Namjoon and Jin hyung let go of Yoongi's shoulder, allowing the devil to rise up on his feet. "What did Jimin meant when he said that earlier?" I asked as I look down at Yoongi's eyes that is now pitch black. "I'm leaving his body. He does not fulfill his duty as a vessel and I despise that. He is not like you, Jungkook." The devil said. "You can say that I am not comfortable and compatible with him as my vessel." I frowned and look at him. "Then what do you want me to do?" I asked. "Perform the exorcismus ritual. I will be out of his body and choose the most compatible vessel." We all look at each other.

Exorcismus ritual is a torturing ritual for the vessel. It is almost as the same concept of exorcism but in the most painful torturing way we could all imagine. The worst thing this ritual can cause is the death of the current vessel. "It is going to be dangerous, Jungkook." Taehyung said and I sigh. "What else can we do, Tae? The devil wants to be out of Yoongi's body. We have to do it or else he will find himself a way out by killing Yoongi. "But at least the chances of him being alive when we perform this ritual will be better compare to us doing nothing." I grabbed my things and unlock the door. "Call Jimin. We're doing the ritual tonight exactly midnight." With that I left the room and head my way out.

Sun Hee POV
"Sun Hee, how are you feeling dear? How do you find the room so far?" The nun ask as she enters my room with a warm smile on her lips. "It's fine for me. I love it here and the view too." I said as I give her a soft smile for assurance. "You don't have to worry or be afraid anymore dear. We are here to look after you." She placed a tray of food on the table and look at me. "Here's your dinner. All cooked by our sisters. After dinner, a young sister will come and attend to you. She will be having a chit-chat session with you. You can talk to her all you want." The nun's voice is the calm and pleasant to listen to. "Please enjoy your dinner. I shall make my move now." And she left.

I slowly walk my way to the dining table and open up the covered plates. On the tray contains, a bowl of vegetable soup, plate of egg tofu, sweet and sour chicken and a bowl of rice. I begin to dig in and enjoy my dinner in silence. This place helps me to find peace. No more sound of nurses rushing around, patients screaming in pain. No more horror. I feel safe. In fact, my appetite is getting better as I could finish up the food on the tray. I believe this place will help me through my dark past. After dinner, a lady walks in to clear my tray. "Do you want a hot cup of tea or coffee with some cakes or cookies?" What is this place? A palace? Why am I being treated like a princess. "Tea and cakes." It's been awhile since I have sweet treats. Hospital food was so meh.

The same lady that helped me cleared the tray cane back with a tray that contain a pot of tea with flowers petals in it and not one but two teacup sets and two plates of cakes. "Ermm why is there two?" I asked and the lady smile. "Oh. I was instructed by Mother Si Hyeon to make it two sets." Ah this could probably be for the young sister that the nun mentioned earlier. "I see. Thank you." I said as I comfortably settle down and flip through the book that is placed on the book rack near me. A few minutes later, there is a knock on the door and I look up. A girl around the age of ten walks in with a beautiful black dress with white victorian lace collar. "Hello unnie." She greeted me with a smile as she sits on the chair next to me. She has a beautiful raven black hair an

"Mother Si Hyeon told me to come and visit you. So here I am. Even though it is past my bed time. But its alright." Oh she is so adorable and quite the chatterbox. "How are you feeling, unnie?" She asked as she struggle to pour the tea and I decided to give her a hand. I almost flinch when I felt her cold hand. "I'm good, I think. Better than being at the hospital." I replied with a smile. She dunk the cookies into the hot tea before enjoying it. "Don't worry. I have a dark past too but after I stay here, I can control myself."

She smiles widely and it makes her eyes disappear. We talk for awhile and at times, she hold my hand to give me assurance that I'm safe here. Until the nun comes in and interrupted us. "I'm sorry to interrupt this interesting conversation. It's time for bed, sweetheart." She said to both of us and the little one get down from the chair. "Goodnight unnie. Hope to talk to you again." She says with a smile as she walks towards the door. "Goodnight.. wait what is your name?" I asked from where I'm seated. She turn around and again with her adroable smile that reminds me of someone.

"My name? My name is Sonara."


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