Chapter 23

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Sun Hee POV
"Unnie, do you find my brother attractive?" Sonara suddenly asked while I was brushing her dark raven hair. I flushed for a moment and noticed that she is looking at me from the mirror reflection. "Well your silence says it all." She chuckle before turning to look at me. "Let me tell you something. My brother and I, our family are not the nicest people in the world. I mean just look at me, I was sent to the orphanage just because I have a special ability." I raised my brow as I look at Sonara. "I wa born with the ability to see evil in that person. I can read the person's personality." She smiles before she hold my hand.

"Remember when we first met that night at the church, I hold your hand like this. All I can tell is that you have a pure heart, unnie. However it was shattered and broken due to what happened to you. You hate men except my brother of course." I am absolutely stunned by her words. She's right. I hate men. I despise men ever since the incident that happened to me one year ago. How I wish I died that night just so I do not have to go through such pain. "Lets go to bed Sonara. It's getting late." I said as I look at her and she nods. She climbs up the bed, sleeping next to the window while I get the one that is nearer to the door. "Do you want the side table lamp to be on?" I asked and she replied a simple no. I switched off the lamp and call it a night, not wanting to think about the past.

"Don't move princess. Daddy will please you." I could hear myself screaming. "We won lottery. We got a virgin." I could see his sinister smile when he hovered over me. "You fucking innocent prude. We will all get to enjoy your pussy like a feast after this." I could feel the pain which immediately woke me up from my sleep. The sharp pain on my lady part made me cried in silence, turning my head on the pillow and bite it. "Unnie.." my cries probably woke Sonara up. I could feel the bed moves and when the side table lamp suddenly switched on, I immediately sit up, covered in sweats. "Unnie... are you alright?" Sonara asked and I nod. "If you are alright why are you bleeding?"

Jimin POV
"But why hyung?" I asked as Hoseok hyung walks in and helped himself with a glass of whiskey. "The only thing I did was released him but it was the devil himself that finds you, chooses you to be his vessel." Our conversation was cut off but the sound of my ringtone. Sonara? Why is she calling at this timing? I immediately swipe right and answer the call. "Oppa! Help! Unnie.. she's bleeding and in pain." Fuck! "I'm on my way." I said before I get off my seat and grabbed my coat.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asked. "Sun Hee..." her name escaped my lips and I immediately left the mansion. "I'm coming with you." Taehyung said and I don't bother to stop him. At this point, my mind is only focusing on her. I drive my R8 back to the apartment with Taehyung. As soon as I arrived at the apartment, I called out Sonara's name and run to the room. When I switched on the light, Sonara is hugging Sun Hee's body. "Fuck her blood smell strong." Taehyung said and that made me push him out of the room and close the door, locking it. "Sun Hee... I'm here." I said as I brushed her damp hair that is covered in sweats before pulling her into a hug. "What happened?" I asked my sister. "I don't know. I was asleep when she suddenly screamed and the next thing I know she's bleeding."

I look at the blood stains on the bedsheet and even her bottom part of her nightgown is stained with blood. Now my hand is covered with her blood. "I'm going to prepare a bathe for you." I look at Sun Hee. "Look after her while I prepare the tub. Do not let Taehyung enter the room" I told my sister before making my way to the bathroom and close the door. I look at the fresh blood on my hand while resting my hands on the counter sink. "Taste her." The voice suddenly appeared in my head and it made me look up at the mirror. "Taste her, Jimin." No I can't do this. I must resist. I told myself. The more I resist, the stronger the temptation gets. Her blood smell lingers in my nose and it awakens the devil inside me. My eyes became dilated as I slowly lift up my blood covered hand near my mouth and run my tongue along it. I groaned at the taste of her blood.

"Fucking hell Jimin!." I snapped at myself for doing what I'm not suppose to do. I quickly wash my hands before turning on the bathtub faucet. I close my eyes and count to five before making my way back out to the room. "Are you able to clean yourself up?" I asked and Sonara look at Sun Hee who does not move from just now. "You need to help her oppa. That is how you show your care to her." I want to smack Sonara's head but it is too early for that. "I'm going to lift you up, Sun Hee." I said to her before gently lift her up bridal style from the bed. For the love of Lucifer, she weighs like a feather. I begin to look at her small figure in my arms before I gently placed her on the sink and close the door. "I'm going to undress you, now." That moment I saw her eyes widened in fear. I lift her head up to look at me. "Sun Hee, look at me." My name escaped from her trembled lips.

I slowly lift up her nightgown and toss it aside. My eyes fixed on hers as I do not make any attempt to check her body out. "Are you okay?" I asked and she nods. I am curious to know what cause her to bleed this much. I took out my phone and dial Eun Chae's number, putting her on speaker. She answered with anger in her tone. "What is it?" She snapped at me. "Want to tell me why Sun Hee is still bleeding.." I asked while looking at Sun Hee. "What do you mean she is still bleeding? Wait where are you now? Isn't she suppose to be at St Mary's Church of Angels." I rolled my eyes and explained to her in short. "It's the trauma recovery phase that she is going through. Jimin, she is badly hurt and to put it in simpler words, everything inside her woman reproductive system is destroyed. It takes time to heal. That is why...." she paused for a moment. "Why what?" I asked as I heard movement from the other line. It sounded like Eun Chae just left her room. "That is why Yoongi made a deal with her. To fix her reproductive system. To heal her." I clenched my jawline. "How?" That was my only question.

"By feeding her the devil's blood."


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