Chapter 21

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Sun Hee POV
I am so happy that Jimin is here and he is willing to take me away. I don't care about the places he have in mind as long I am free like a bird. Able to live my life normally without being treated like a weak victim. I had enough of resting for one year. It is time for me to move on and this is the first step to everything. I took the medication accordingly and begin to pack my things knowing that in a few minutes time, the nun will come upstairs and told me that I am ready to leave this place. It has been a great one day stay here but I don't think I can afford to stay here any longer.

Jimin POV
I sat on the couch in silence after Sonara breaks the news to me. He is inside me? Now? My hands trembled slightly and I run my hand along my hair before I heard the sound of high heels walking towards me from behind. "Mr Park. The paperwork is done. Miss Lee Sun Hee has officially been discharged." She said. Fuck! Now I have to ensure that no devil nonsense will happen when she's around me. "Thank you." I said as I got up from the couch and take the envelope. "She'll be down in a minute." I nod and look at Sonara who is still playing the piano. "Yay! You taking her home." Sonara said happily as soon Sun Hee walks in with a nun next to her. Right she didn't have much things with her ever since last year.

"Do I need to see Mother Si Hyeon?" She asked the nun who has been assisting her. "No. You don't have to. She is in an important meeting with the rest of the church organization. We wish you all the best and hope you stay safe under Mr Park's care." I rolled my eyes. Of course she will be safe with me... right? As soon we both get into the car, Sun Hee sat at the passenger seat next to where I'll be seating. The driver's seat. She seems happy. Like a bird that has been set free from its cage. Lucky for her I drive my R8 so I can easily open the convertible to let her enjoy the fresh air. I look at Sonara who is standing behind the gate. "Give me a moment." I told Sun Hee and she nods.

I walked over to Sonara and look at her. "How do you feel if I'm going to take you away now and stay with Sun Hee instead?" I asked and Sonara smiles sinisterly. "Quick get in the car." I said as I hold her hand and she runs as fast as she could to get into the back seat. "What about my things?" She asked. "Fuck that! I can get you new ones." I replied as I drive away. I can't believe I kidnapped my own sister. Four hours of drive from here back to Seoul and I don't give a flying fuck to whatever going to happen to Sonara being kidnap. She's my sister and I have the rights to take her away with me. I don't need the permission.

After the four hours drive and both Sonara and Sun Hee woke up from their nice long nap, we finally arrived at one of the places I owned discreetly without the rest knowing. A small apartment that is comfortable and cozy for both Sonara and Sun Hee. "I know this place is small but I hope you two can get comfortable living here for a meantime." I said as I placed Sun Hee's bag in the master bedroom. "Can I sleep with Sun Hee unnie?" She asked Sun Hee who simply nods. "Yeah of course." Her eyes met mine. "Thank you for setting me free, Jimin." She said as she smiles warmly at me. "I'll take care of your sister well. In fact, I want to take her out for shopping tomorrow. Is that okay?" Shopping... that fast huh?

"Well as long you're not tired and feeling well. I'll give you my card. Use it to spend on yourself and Sonara." I placed one of my black card on the table and stretched my arms. "You seem tired from the long drive. Stay here until you're well rest." She offered but I have to politely declined her. "I can't. I have things to settle. Sonara knows my phone number. Give me a call if there's anything and remember, do not let anyone in. I have my own keys if I come over." I told her before looking at Sonara who is staring out the window. "I shall make my move now, Sonara. Please take care of Sun Hee. Call me if there's anything." I brush her black raven hair before she pulled me down to be on the same level as her. "Be careful alright. Especially with him being inside you." I frowned and kiss her cheek before making my way to exit.

At Jungkook's Mansion.
Eun Chae sat by the pool while watching her daughter playing with Jungkook, Na Ra and little Na Ri in the pool. She is glad that Na Ra willing to help her look after Min Chae considering her hectic work schedule and also the fact that Yoongi is still unconscious. Eun Chae felt uneasy suddenly. It made her look up to the balcony of her bedroom. She thought she saw Yoongi stood there watching her but there isn't anyone there.

"Jungkook, Na Ra, I'm going upstairs to wash up. Keep an eye on Min Chae for me." Eun Chae said before they nods. She head her way up to the room and notice that the room is dark. She remembered clearly that the room was light up when she looked up earlier. "Yoongi..." She called out his name while her hands search for the room switch. Eun Chae could hear her own heartbeat. When she managed to find the switch, she switch it on and the first thing she noticed is that Yoongi is fast asleep and that made her frown. She walked closer towards her husband and look at his pale face. "Please wake up, Yoongi. I miss you." Eun Chae whispered as she hold his hand before placing it on her cheek.

Suddenly she felt her mouth being covered and she was pulled back. "Quiet, witch. I need your help." That voice. And when she was pinned against the wall, her eyes widened. "Quiet." He slowly let go of his hand from her mouth and he sigh. "Jimin?" She whispered his name. "Where have you been? Everyone's been looking for you... They did a ritual on Yoongi and he isn't awake ever since." The witch continue to babble and Jimin just look at her. "I know and it probably has something to do with me." Jimin said as she look confused and lost. "And what is that?" She asked.

" I am the new devil's vessel."


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DEVIL'S DEVOTION // PARK JIMINWhere stories live. Discover now