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Nobody thinks of Marcus Baker and thinks boring, I learned that on my first day here. He was the sort of guy who liked to mess around without commitment, that much I could tell. I could tell that he charmed just about every girl in this town. Not me. To me, he was just a face I would barely remember when I moved onto the next town.

I met him not even ten minutes after moving in. I was a little shocked to see a boy peering through my window; peering at me. I knew that I was somewhat of a curiosity- the mysterious new girl with the 30 year old mom, but this boy didn't look like he was spying on me, he looked like he was trying to figure something out. Trying to figure me out. I chuckled at the thought.

He moved away from his window and I sighed. He must've thought he figured me out. Wow, he was dumber than I thought. So you can imagine my surprise when the boy walked into my room. So much for predictable. Needless to say, the boy scared the shit out of me.

"Jesus! You scared me! Why did you come here, other than to make me jump out of my skin?" I demanded. He smiled...what? "I'm Marcus, I live next door," he said. I rolled my eyes. "Of course, leave it to suburbia to have the neighbors barge in," I said with a sigh. He laughed...odd. I gave him a questioning look. "Most people wouldn't find that funny," I said. He smiled, the kind that makes people melt. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Well Ginny, I'm not most people. And I'm not a huge fan of this place either, it's too boring," he said. I scoffed. Predictable. "Right, you're the handsome guy thats only dream is to get out of here. Typical," I said.

Something I said entertained him, then I realized. Handsome. Way to go Ginny. "You think I'm handsome?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, I'm just tired. Thanks for the visit Marcus, but I'd really prefer you leave before I pass out of exhaustion," I said. Anything to get him to leave. He saluted me? "Goodbye," he said, leaving and shutting my door behind him. I sighed. What the hell?

I decided to just go back to unpacking and leave the analyzing of that conversation to my unconscious self. Once I got all of my books on the shelves, I examined. It was plain, but it was ok. Desk, bookshelf, bed, closet, everything I needed.

I laid down on my bed and thought about my next day at school. Perfect, more people to ignore and pretend to like. I really didn't want to do that. This school wouldn't be any different from the rest of them- all people gawking and then getting over it in a week or so, if I even stayed that long.

Just when I was about to mentally make a script for tomorrow, my mom busted in. "What are you doing peach? We've got things to do!" She exclaimed. My mom was the epitome of happy. I sighed. "Mom, I'm not in the mood," I said. She smirked, and I knew what she'd want to talk about next. "So, that boy was pretty cute. He came to see you ya know? Never met a boy who did that. And his smile..." my mom trailed off. "Mom, he's just a guy. Came to introduce himself, he lives next door. His name is Marcus apparently," I said. I realized I had just contributed to the conversation. "Marcus hm? Well, he seems very polite. I like him," she said. I sighed. "Whatever, just shut the door," I said. She narrowed her eyes but left. I flopped back onto my bed.

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