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The first day of school. Everybody's excited to see one another, there are squeals of excitement, fist bumps, and bro hugs. I know all of this. But today, I have a brand new interest- Ginny Miller. I wasn't one of those people that liked to gawk at the new kids, but there was something else about her that I was confused about. She puzzled me.

I woke up early that morning, with no intention to stalk Ginny, but something got in the way. The glance out of my window became a full-on gawk. When I glanced out of my window, I saw Ginny's blinds open, with her standing in just a bra. I couldn't tear my eyes away. No, I wasn't this person. I didn't stare at partially naked girls through their bedroom Windows. That wasn't me.

Before I could tear my eyes away however, she spotted me. I ducked, hoping with everything in myself that she didn't think I was spying on her. She surprised me with her reaction- she chuckled. Needless to say, I was puzzled. She did a little wave and...shook her shoulders? My eyes went wide when I realized what she was doing. She realized that I was staring at her breasts. I must've been really red because she looked to be laughing at my reaction. I got out of there that second. I raced out of the door as fast as I could, hoping that I could avoid her. I skateboarded to school, hoping that I didn't make myself look like a dick, and really hoping that she didn't tell anyone.

Our school is one of those buildings that look more like a courthouse than a school. Pillars and large stone steps and whatnot. It was pretty big, and everyone knew where they belonged, with the exception of Wellbury's new kid. I stepped inside and was immediately relieved that I didn't see my new neighbor in the crowd. I put my skateboard on one of the hooks and walked into the school. That's when I felt it- a tap on my shoulder. Ginny. Shit. I turned around slowly. She smiled.

"Well hello creeper! It's so cool that you go to this school, what grade are you in? Just to make sure you're not peering in on a minor as an adult, cause that would be creepy," she whispered, smiling. I sighed. "Look I'm really sorry ok? You took me by surprise," I said. She raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so this is my fault?" She questioned, sounding aggressive. Shit, I made her angry. "No, not at all! It's mine I just-...I'm not used to looking out of my window and seeing a topless girl, that's all," I amended quickly. She nodded. "Well, I'm not used to looking out of my window and seeing a creepy boy peering in," she said. I ground my teeth. "You should've closed the blinds," I said, getting a little upset now. She scoffed. "You're a tool, Marcus," she said. I shook my head and looked her up and down. She scoffed again in disbelief. "See something you like?" She asked, her voice more hostile than an actual voice. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Screw you Ginny. It was an accident and you know it. Just keep your blinds closed," I said. As I walked away, I could vaguely hear her yell. "And keep your eyes off my window!"

Yay, first day of school.

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