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The next couple of days passed as I had expected. Ginny only gave me a passing wave if she saw me in the halls and a casual "hi" if I was within earshot. I didn't know how to get her to notice me again. So, I decided to do what I do best. I made a dumb mistake. I met up with Abby. 

She looked at me with a sadness in her eyes as she saw me. "Hey Marcus, what's up?" She asked. "I need your help on how to get Ginny back," I told her. I saw the sadness in her eyes as she stared up at me and I knew I'd made a mistake. "And you thought that the girl who's in love with you would want to help you do that? Go ask Nora or your sister, I can't help you," She said, her eyes tearing up at this point. I knew that I had made a huge mistake. "Abby!" I called after her, now noticing that she was walking away. She didn't even turn around. 

I couldn't take it anymore. I needed something, ANYTHING from her. I even considered asking Maxine for help, but realized that would be basically shooting myself in the leg. By Thursday I was basically torturing myself with thoughts of Ginny. I couldn't help it, she was all-consuming. 

A wonderful excuse came Friday afternoon, I was paired with her for a history project. The best part was that it required studying after school. Finally an excuse. I went up to her, standing awkwardly next to her. "Hey Ginny," I said, twiddling my thumbs as I waited for her to turn around. She did. "Hey Marcus, so um I've got a date tonight but we could do the project tomorrow?" Ginny suggested. My heart stopped. She had a date? I nodded along numbly. "Yeah uh, sounds good. Who are you going out with?" I asked. She blushed. "Hunter Chang," She said. My eyebrows knitted together. That loser? Huh. I waved goodbye and started to my next class. 

Later that night it was eating me whole. The idea of Ginny going out with Hunter was one that made me sick. I needed to do something. It definitely didn't help that Max wouldn't shut up about how cute Ginny and Hunter were. 

"They're basically Jack and Rose but ya know, without the fatal death," Max said at the dinner table. "I wish" I thought to myself. I looked up. "So Ginny likes this kid?" I asked. Max rolled her eyes. "First of all, you two are the same age and second of all, yes she does," Max said matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes. "he has a ponytail instead of a personality," I exclaimed. Max scoffed. "And just why do you care huh?" Max tested. I immediately backed off. "I just don't like Hunter, that's all," I said, hoping that I had saved myself. She shook her head. "Well you know what? Get over it because he's dating my best friend." That was that.

That night I couldn't take it anymore, I had to do something. I found myself sliding into her window at 11 o clock pm. She was lying on her bed, fast asleep. I smiled as I saw how happy she looked. Not wanting to be an Edward Cullen, I was about to leave when I heard her start to speak. "That's it, right there. Hunter..." I felt a sharp pang of sadness in my heart. ", no, no Marcus. MARCUS!!!" Ginny cried out in her sleep. I looked up. Had she actually just said my name? "Marcus don't stop," I heard her say. As much as I wanted to stay, I denied myself the privilege and went back to my own house, feeling more confident than ever about my chances with Ginny. 

Alrighty so that was that! I hope you enjoyed and we should have a couple more chapters out here this week so...enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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