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I was panicking as I pushed my way through the crowd. I was in tears, a fact that I couldn't really figure out. I tapped an EMT on the shoulder. "Where is he?" I asked in between sobs. He sighed. "You must be the girlfriend?" He guessed, to which my heart jumped. "Y-yeah. That's me. Where is he?" I asked. The EMT pointed to the ambulance. "Where do you think? You can come with, just get in the back," he said. I nodded and hopped in the back with Marcus.

When we got to the hospital, I saw them unload Marcus into the ER. I followed close between, keeping my girlfriend cover. I followed them into the ER, where he laid for about 20 minutes before they took him up to a private room. I decided that I would sit with him through the night, or as long as he was there. I sat down.

About an hour and a half later, he woke up. He held his head and croaked. Then, he spotted me and froze. I chuckled. "How ya feeling champ?" I teased. "Wha- why am I in the hospital...we were just..." he trailed off, looking confused. I shrugged. "Yeah well you got to 'I didn't', and then you fainted. You hit your head pretty bad so you're staying the night or longer if you need to. I told them I'd stay with you," I finished.

He looked around. "So we didn't actually have a conversation?" He asked, to which I gave him a puzzled look. "No...why?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nothing, doesn't matter," he said. I shrugged it off, it must just be a concussion thing, which I was sure he had.

It was 11 pm, Marcus was asleep, but I couldn't help but think about what he had meant by "i didn't". I just didn't get it! I could ask him, but he'd probably clam up. It was probably just some boring moody thing. Yeah, that's what it had to be.

I woke up the next morning to find Marcus already up. He smiled weakly. "Good morning peach," he said. My face went red and this seemed to amuse him. "Where did you get that nickname?" I asked. "Your mother. I heard her call you it this morning when she visited you. She was about to wake you, but I convinced her not to. Also, you've got pudding and an actual cot I had them set up," he said. I was surprised. "Why did you do that?" I asked. He shrugged. "I wanted to. You can't just sit there for the rest of your life you know," he said. I laughed. Admittedly, that was a little funny.

"Ok, thank you," I said, getting up. He tried to sit up on his elbows but winced. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I'm getting you something to eat," I replied. He shook his head. "I get meals every three hours. I'm not hungry, I promise. Now please sit down," he said. I shrugged. How could I say no? Stupid Marcus Baker. Did he HAVE to be cute, gorgeous, and sexy all at once?! Stupid attraction. Stupid feelings.

My feelings. They were bubbling up. The pot was boiling over for Marcus Baker. Oh no.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to update, life has been hectic right now. Anyways, I will be updating again today! Bye for now!

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