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Me time. Max was in my room and currently painting my nails, a task that I had always been afraid to do. She giggled as she talked about a girl she liked, I think her name was Riley? Whenever Max talked about her, she became a new person. Her eyes lit up and she made crazy hand gestures. I listened as intently as I could.

"And then she...whoa, what is that?" She asked, pointing to my desk. I gasped. She was pointing to a bracelet on my desk. I knew it wasn't mine, but I didn't have to think about it too hard because Max answered the question. "That's my brother's bracelet," she said, getting up and picking the bracelet up.

I had to think fast. "Oh yeah. I found it on the ground and I was hoping that I could find the owner. Lucky that you came over, I could've been searching for weeks," I said with a faux chuckle. I placed it in her hand. "Here, give this back to him will you?" I asked. She nodded. "Don't worry, the idiot loses stuff all the time. It's like he has zero commitment to anything," she said, flopping back down onto my bed, which creaked in complaint. I gritted my teeth, and she stared around in cluelessness.

"He has to have commitment to something," I said, knowing a part of me wanted to believe that he was capable of it. She shrugged. "Not really. Anyways why does it matter?" She asked. I bit my lip and looked away. "No reason, I just like knowing stuff," I said. Wow Ginny, horrible excuse. Way to go.

The next day passed by pretty fast, but I started to notice a pattern in my classes. Marcus would always have his eyes on me, but he'd feign ignorance whenever I came around. Was he...avoiding me? I hadn't done anything wrong, well maybe the dick comment was a little far but...that was just cause of what he said! There was no logical explanation.

The next day, I decided to confront him. After following him, I realized he was planning to spend his lunch in the locker room, obviously somewhere he thought I wouldn't go. Boy was he wrong. I walked right up to him. His head snapped up. "Ginny," he said in surprise. "This is the guys locker room."

I nodded. "I know that Marcus," I said. "Then what are you doing here?" He asked. "Confronting you," I answered, gesturing for him to get up. He did so, and I stared up at him. "About what?" He asked, his voice still normal despite being about a foot away from me. I rolled my eyes. "Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about! You haven't said a word to me in two days!" I exclaimed. He shrugged indifference. "Nothing to talk about I guess," he said. I would NOT let that be his answer. "No, you're avoiding me, and I wanna know why," I said. He took a deep breath, and I prepared myself, because it looked like he was about to say something important.

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