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Tears were welling up in my eyes as I ran to the girls locker room. I could feel the sobs coming on, I could feel the shocks of pain in my heart. I could feel it all slipping out of me because of one guy: Marcus Baker.

I had gotten to my room and thought about the amazing kiss, which is also how I fell asleep. I woke up and did my hair and went to school, which leads up to why I'm crying in period 2. I arrived at school this morning to find Marcus Baker very passionately making out with one of Maxine's friends: Abby Littman. Abby was a gorgeous sophomore (like us) and had burgundy hair, A short stature, and beautiful brown eyes. She was perfect, and she was making out with my new greatest fantasy.

My eyes were as wide as saucers as I stared at them. When she pulled away, Marcus looked around, his eyes eventually falling on me. His eyes widened and he looked like he was in pain. There were tears in my eyes as I stared at him. I could see him sigh heavily before he went back in, making out with Abby some more.

This leads to the girls locker room. I was sitting up against the wall sobbing when I heard somebody else come in. I looked up to see Abby.

"Hey, are you alright? You seem upset," Abby remarked. I shook my head. "I'm fine Abby. You and Marcus look happy by the way," I said, hoping that it would distract her. She smiled brightly. "Oh yeah! He asked me out! I couldn't believe it! We went out to dinner last night and decided that we couldn't wait. We wanted to be together. So he's my boyfriend now," she explained. I thought I might throw up. "So he asked you out?" I clarified. She nodded slowly. "Yeah...what's wrong?" She asked. I smiled and sniffled. "Nothing, just have too much homework. I'll bet Marcus is missing you, you should go back out there," I said. She nodded and did an excited giggle before heading out the door.

I was in there for about another seven minutes before somebody else entered. Marcus. I looked up and more tears came to my eyes. "What?" I asked. He sighed. "Ginny..." he began, but I shook my head. "I don't know how you people do things here, but where I come from, we don't get a girlfriend an hour after we kiss someone else," I said. He clenched his teeth. "It's not like that Ginny. We shouldn't have kissed," Marcus said. "If you like her so much, how come you've never mentioned her?" I asked. He scoffed. "It's not like we've had a lot of casual conversations," Marcus said. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Can you go now? You're not allowed to be in here," I said.

Marcus leaned down and tried to brush the hair out of my face comfortingly, but I swatted it away. "Go back to Abby. She's missing you," I said. He stood up and walked out, not even a goodbye.

I had cleaned myself up for lunch, and I knew I would get really laid into for missing three periods, but I didn't really care. That was how much this situation bothered me.

I didn't sit with Max at lunch. Marcus was sitting with Abby and them, and I couldn't handle their PDA. I sat alone, watching from the other side of the room like a creep. Marcus didn't look over once, but Abby did. She gave a friendly wave and I waved back, secretly wishing I was her. Not again.

Another chapter! I PROMISE these will get longer, but not yet. See y'all later!

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