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That was way too close. For a split second I had actually wanted to kiss Ginny Miller. I shook my head and facepalmed. It had to be the adrenaline, right? Regardless, I could NEVER do that again, I didn't want her to get the wrong idea, and I didn't want to give myself the wrong idea. I just needed sleep, I was tired. People don't make good decisions when they're tired. That was it.

As I laid in bed, I thought about it. The best thing would probably be to avoid Ginny for a bit, just let her do her own thing. I knew it was for my sake, but I justified that it was for hers. I fell asleep knowing the plan.

When I woke up the next morning, I couldn't help but take a little peek through my window. She wasn't shirtless this time (thank god), but she still caught my eye. She was...taking off makeup? Most people didn't wear makeup to sleep, weird. I decided that Ginny Miller was not most people. I had never wanted to kiss most people. The thought made my stomach churn.

Once I decided to stop staring, I grabbed my bag and skateboard. The ride to school was fairly easy, I tried to push the Ginny thoughts out of my head, but was unsuccessful. She kept breaking in like a wrecking ball. I parked my skateboard out by the bike racks, where there were also hooks. Then, I fixed my hair and went inside.

Of course, in the whole crowd of people, Ginny was the first person I noticed. She had her back turned to me, she was obviously talking to someone. I got closer to take a sister? Were Ginny and her friends? I felt a pang of jealousy, but I ignored it. No reason to be jealous, I didn't own Ginny. Besides, I wanted space, right?

Still, I got close enough to hear what they were saying, and my eyes went wide. "My brother? Huge tool. As for his exes, he hasn't had any. He's kissed a couple girls, but nothing serious. He doesn't do relationships," Maxine said. I groaned. Max! But I was intrigued as to why she was asking. It was as if Max could read my mind, "why are you asking?" She asked curiously. Ginny shrugged. "I like to know about my neighbors," she answered, not missing a beat. I rolled my eyes. Likely story.

I decided to step in before Maxine could reveal anything ugly about me. "Hey Max, Ginny," I said quickly before looking back at Max. "Hey, I was wondering if you could give me the calc homework," I said, which was a total excuse. Max shook her head. "No time to help you today bro, I've got a little friend date with Ginny here," she said. I decided not to care. "Ditch. I'm sure she'll be fine," I said casually. I heard Ginny clear her throat, so I turned to her. She sighed and shook her head in faux sadness. "You know, if it's small, you can just say so," she said. Max giggled and I just stood there, stunned. "Ooooooo! I'm gonna like you Miller!" Maxine said. She turned to me. "Be gone with you Marcus, you're ruining our conversation," max said. I sighed. Whatever, being away from Ginny may be easier than I thought.

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