16. Dreams

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WARNING: (Light smut. Skip if you do not like this genre) xD


Credits to --lilyzz-- for the story plots.


The night sky was illuminated by the moonlit and was accompanied by the sound of howling wolves; supposedly showing a bad omen to the earthlings. The empty alley was thrashed, sick homeless sleeping helplessly on the streets with no one bothering to help them. However, the sound of footsteps echoing through the silent night revealed a mysterious figure in a cloak. "You..sir" she called.

A man who was walking alone through the deadly silent alley paused in his step releasing a light "huh?" He tried to search for the person's face but he couldn't. The environment was cold and only causes him to have goosebumps. He shuddered as soon as he saw the person beneath the hooded cloak smiling sheepishly and saying, "Death is coming..."


Nero yawned as he twists and turn on the sofa of the infamous Devil May Cry office. His annoyed expression couldn't disappear due to the sound of a certain white haired devil snoring across his desk with a magazine covering his face.

"Really?" He grunted, pushing himself up from the couch. "Fuck it, Dante. I'm gonna kill you if I have to.."

Just as he stood, the light in the entire room blinked. He froze in his step, searching around the room. He felt something different, an aura of some sort. Suddenly, the room went dark and after few seconds, it lights back to normal. Nero turned as soon as he saw a dark figure standing behind him. "Who the hell are you?"

"Intriguing indeed," the person spoke, releasing a small chuckle. "I've come in peace."

Nero waited for the person to continue speaking but there was nothing. Silence filled the room as Nero slowly tried to reach for his beloved gun.

"There's no need for that. Relax kid," Dante suddenly spoke from beneath the magazine. Grunting, he yawned and stretched his muscles, kicking himself away from his desk. "What's with the surprise visit?" He asked the mysterious person.

Nero blinked in confusion as he looked between the two, "You know each other?"


'Nero!' (Y/n) screamed when she saw the building collapsed. She ran over as fast as she could, not caring her wounded legs. Nero grunted as he saw bits of boulders crashing down upon him. Before he could respond to the falling concrete, he felt himself being knocked down by something -or someone- sheltering above him.

(Y/n), unable to open her eyes, she can only let out a soft grunt. '(Y/n)!' Nero called out to her. His voice sounded distant but she knew that he was there, gripping her shoulder. Unable to do anything, she finally fell into pitch of darkness.


Opening her eyes slowly, (Y/n) was greeted by rays of lights coming from the window that was next to her bed. Raising her hand to cover her face, a voice spoke out, '(Y/n)?' She blinked in response and searched for the familiar voice. His soft, white hair came into her sight, then to his blue eyes, his perfectly shaped nose and then to his lips.

'Nero..' she whispered weakly. 'What..' Trying to sit up, Nero pushes her back to the bed. She then realizes that she was on the hospital bed.

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