7. The Hunt

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A/N: Sorry for the late update. I'm having a hard time thinking of what the next chapter will be~ -_- But anyway, here's another chapter for you. And just a little bit of an extra info; this chapter will mostly contain a scene of you, Nero and Trish. There won't be much Dante and Vergil scene. Of course they will appear right at the beginning and the end of the chapter. And to be honest, I forgot all about Nero and Trish...And Lady too. For now, Lady won't appear but she will be in the next chapter ^^, Sorry~


Up on the roof, demons scattered everywhere. Some of them flew high up in the sky. One of them growled as it flew towards a long haired blond woman, with leathered top and pants. As it tried to swipe the woman, she jumped to her right and points her guns towards it. Shooting the demon, it turned into ashes. Not too long after, the other demons came to attack her. With every movement she has, she easily killed them. As more demons surrounded her, they jumped on her, leaving no spaces in between. In just a few seconds, a blue lightning jolted from beneath the demons and they scattered away from her. She smirks as she shot each and every one of them.

"Looks like you don't need my help at all," a man with a white hair, dressed in a red and blue trench coat appears behind her.

"You missed all the fun," she turned to look at him as she puts back her gun to her waist. "You got the case?"

He scoffed and walked towards her, handing her a silver briefcase, "Yeah. Almost lost a finger getting this."

"Did you call her?" she asked.

"I did. She sounded interested," he smirks.

"Well, everything is just a game for her," she grins as she puts her sunglasses over her eyes. "Care to visit her?"


"This is not funny Dante," you frowned as you threw a dead lizard onto his desk, "it's very childish."

"What? You're scared by a dead lizard in your bag pack but not a demon that jumps on you late at night?" he chuckled.

You groaned and rolled your eyes. You knew that Dante was the one who puts the dead lizard into your bag pack. Why? Because the last time you were cleaning his office (not because you wanted to do so but because you lost in a game with him), you saw a dead lizard beneath his jukebox and yelped. He thinks it is funny and said that you looked cute when you yelp.

"I'm not scared. They're just so soft and sticky and so...so..." you couldn't find any word to describe it. You wanted to say 'disgusting' but Dante beat you to it.

"..So cute?" he smirks.

You scowled and threw his damp towel over his face.

"Oh that's very funny. I didn't know you're so good in becoming a comedian," you answered sarcastically.

Dante grunted as he pulled the damp towel away from his face.

"And your towel smells Dante. Go wash it on your own," you said as you brushed past his desk and plopped onto the couch right across his television.

"Well babe, let's just say I'm good in everything. And I meant EVERYTHING," he grins.

"Whatever. I'm taking a shower," you rolled your eyes as you stomped your way upstairs, leaving Dante with his smirk.

"Sure. Don't forget to invite me in if you see any other 'cute' lizard," he chuckled as he pulled out his playboy magazine from his drawer. After reading through it for a while, his phone rang.

"Hey bro. Do you mind answering that?" Dante asked without even peeking away from his magazine.

"Should I remind you that the phone is right on your desk?" Vergil scowled.

"Aww come on bro. I'm trying to finish this bo-"

"No," Vergil cut Dante's sentence without even taking a glance.

Sighing, Dante sets his magazine back on his desk and roughly picks up the phone.

"Yeah?" He stays silent for a while. Shifting over in his seat, he seems uninterested. "Sorry but the answer will be a 'no', ok?" He scoffed as he placed his phone back.

"Is there any manner in you at all Dante?" Vergil glared.

"Sorry bro. But I'm gonna have to pass this one. No password, no nothing," he said as he continues reading his magazine.

A few minutes later, the door swift open and a young man with short white hair in a blue and red trench coat earlier appears.

"Business running low as usual huh Dante?" He grins.

Both Dante and Vergil quickly turned to look at the young man.

Seeing who it is, Vergil sighed, "Nero."

"What brings you here kid?" Dante grins back.

"Just checking up on you. Is (y/n) here?" Nero asked, searching around the place.

"Upstairs," Dante smiled. "Why're you looking for her?"

"Nothing. Found something big that might interest her," Nero stopped right in front of Dante's desk.

Putting down the magazine, Dante seems to be interested. Curiously, he leaned forward in his seat, "and what might that be?"

"Well, it's for her. Not you," Nero smirks.

Dante furrowed his eyebrows and then deepens his smirks, "Is it another dead lizard?" He laughed at his own joke.

"Dead....lizard?" Nero asked with a questioning look on his face.

"Ha ha. Now that's very funny Dante," you said as you walked downstairs.

Dante and Nero change their gaze to you.

"Nero, what brings you here?" you smiled at him and gave him a warm hug.

"Hey, remember what I told you last night? You up for it?" Nero smiled.

You huffed, "Of course!"

"Mind sharing?" Dante is now very curious.

You smirk and stood behind him. Massaging his shoulder, he turned his face to the side, waiting for your answer.

"Nothing much. Just a little game that we always do at night," you whispered to his ears. "And it's not some freakin dead lizard ok?" you said as you pull away from him.

Nero chuckled as you move towards him.

"So, how are you and Kyrie doing?" You asked.

Nero shrugged, "we're doing fine I guess. You know... Everyone would have the on and off kind of relationship." He chuckled as he rubs the back of his head.

"Oh, sorry about that," you gave him an apologetic look.

"Nah, that's alright," he smiled a little bit as he crossed his arms.

"So, are we going now?" you tried to change the subject.

"Nope, we'll wait until its midnight," Nero moved over to the couch and sat.

Dante still sits in his chair but he doesn't seem to be at ease. He glared at you hoping to find out what you and Nero are planning.
"Aww come on babe. Won't you share a little bit? They say 'sharing is caring'," Dante tried to beg you.

"Oh.. You want me to share? You put a dead lizard in my bag and now you're begging me? Tell me how much you care about me Dante," you glare back at him as you put your hand up to your waist.

Dante couldn't find anything to say. Vergil chuckled when he saw his brother's reaction. Smirking, he changes his gaze from Dante to you, "I have nothing to do with that little incident. So would you mind sharing with me?"

"Let's just say it's a secret between me and Nero," you smirked back.

Vergil's face drops as his gaze shifted to Dante. Not too long after that, the door opens again but this time, revealing a woman with a blond hair, wearing black leather top and pant. "Am I missing something?"

"Oh, hey Trish. Nothing much. Just playing a little bit of guessing game," you smiled at her.

"I hate guessing games," Dante smacked his desk in annoyance. You chuckled at the sight of his reaction.

"Are you a part of this too?" Vergil glanced at Trish.

"Well, I wouldn't be here if I'm not," Trish smirks as she sat at the edge of Vergil's desk. Vergil frowned. He doesn't like it when his things are disturbed. Not even a slightest touch of his desk.


Time flies so fast and it is almost midnight. You, Trish and Nero started to pack everything that you needed.

"You ready?" Nero turned to look at you and Trish.

"As ready as I'll ever be," you grin.

All three of you left Devil May Cry, leaving Dante and Vergil alone with their thoughts. After almost 15 minutes of riding, you finally arrived at a mansion. It looked abandoned, dusty, curtains ripped off; doors are broken and so on.

Shivering at the sight, Nero grabbed your shoulder, "Are you ok?"

"Uh, yeah I'm fine. It's just creepy," you shrugged. "Is it even necessary to do this mission at midnight?"

Nero chuckled, "Yeah. Besides, it will be no fun if it's during the day time."

"Are you two coming or not?" Trish called out as she was already at the front porch step of the house.

You and Nero chuckled as both of you followed after her. Entering the mansion, it was utterly dark and you almost couldn't see anything. You tried to turn on the switch on the wall in hopes that the lights would flicker on, but of course, the mansion was sort of located right deep in the forest and there are no electrical flow because it was long abandoned.

Sighing, you pull out your torch light and switched it on, "I hate holding up a torch light. What if there are any demons right on sight and I dropped it?"

"You mean any lizards right?" Nero chuckled.

Scowling, you directly point the torch light right on Nero's face.

He raised his left hand to cover his face. "Ow. Hey, watch where you point that thing," he frowned.

"Since when did Dante ever got into your head?" you moved away the torch light and continued your search.

Nero chuckled, "What's with you and lizard anyway?"

"Nothing. Just don't start," you walked pass by him. "So, this treasure you're talking about. You haven't told me the details yet."

Walking towards Trish, she turned to you, "All that matters is that the "ex-owner" of this mansion would give a high payment price including gold..."

Your eyes widen for a moment when you heard the word 'gold'.

"..IF we managed to find his momentum and bring all the stuff listed in here," she continued as she held out a piece of paper.

"Oh, great! What is this some sort of a treasure hunt?" you growled.

Trish laughed for a moment, "sort of. And that includes demon hunting." Holding up another 2 piece of papers, she hand it out to you and Nero, "So, let's split up shall we? We can save us more time to find these things. I've made up extra copies for the two of you."

Exhaling, you held up your hand with your torch and read through it. Some of it was shown with pictures of items that you needed to find; an amulet, a picture of the home owner with his wife and son, a diamond ring and last but not least, a treasure map.

"Treasure map?" you muttered.

"That one is highly recommended for us to find," Trish said as she points her finger to your paper.

"Ergh, more job," you sighed.

"Come on. We need to start hunting," Nero walked pass the two of you.

There are corridors along the hallway and a staircase that splits into two.

"I think I'll take the stairs," you bravely make your decision. "I'll take the left one."

"Then I'll take the right one," Nero glanced at the staircase and at you.

Nodding in agreement, both of you went through the mansion, searching for the items that were listed.

***Time skipped***

You managed to find the photograph of the owner and the diamond ring. You easily sliced every demon that gets in your way. Apparently, this mission gets you hyped up and you were excited about it until you bumped into Nero.

"Oof!" you puffed.

"Whoa, hold your horses," Nero glanced at you.

"Sorry," you rubbed your face. "I guess I find this mission so easy and I'm super hyped."

Nero chuckled, "So you find anything?"

"Yeah," you said as you pulled out the photograph and the diamond ring.

Nero curved his eyebrows in disbelief, "wow, that's faster than I thought. Guess all we need to find is-"

"The treasure map," Trish jumps behind you as she knocked out a demon that was sneaking behind and shot it. "I found the amulet."

The three of you smiled. Suddenly, you heard a loud thud from within the mansion. It sounded like a huge demon is walking towards all of you. Waiting for it to appear, the wall suddenly cracked and a demon ran through it. It has a huge muscular body with only one eye.

Looking at it, you muttered, "Yikes, is that an ogre or a demon?"

It turned to you and ran towards you. Ready to face an impact, a blue lightning struck the demon causing it to flinch and fell on its knees.

"Go! I got this," Trish jumped on the other side, luring it away.

Without wasting any time, you and Nero quickly searched every room you can find. Doors upon doors, you entered every room but there was nothing. Reaching the last door on the hallway, you slowly opened it and you saw a shadow sleeping by the fireplace. You were in the library. It was quite huge and spacious too. A demon slept as it snored its way through its sleeping form. Slowly, you tiptoed behind a sofa and took a peek. You couldn't believe what you saw. The demon was brown in color, big size that it can even swallow you in just one bite, sharp claws and what's worse, its tail are long. Judging by the appearance itself, it looked more like a lizard. Mentally face palming, you slowly walked towards it and there it was, the treasure map pinned beneath its paws.

"Hey," Nero whispered as he grabs your shoulder. You jumped at his touch and yelped a little trying not to wake the demon.

"Nero!" you swipe his hand away from your shoulder.

"Sorry. Let me do this ok?" he walks slowly, trying to grab the map. Kneeling down with one knee, he tried to pull out the map. He managed to pull it halfway but the demon shifted its position that it pinned the rest of the paper underneath its body.

"Great," you muttered.

Nero turned to you and waved indicating that it will be ok. You gripped your hand on the sofa hoping that demon won't wake up. Suddenly, the mansion shudders and the demon shoots its eyes open. Turning around, he saw Nero slowly walking back.

"Huh, nap times over buddy," Nero smirks.

It shrieked louder and tried to swipe Nero down. However, Nero easily dodged it and pulled out his Blue Rose, shooting at the demon. It avoided every shot as it climbed onto the ceiling and jumps around the room. Nero was pissed off. As it searched around the room, it saw you hiding behind the sofa. You gasped as you tried to push yourself away from it.

"Oh no. Please don't come over," you said in hopes that the demon wouldn't do so. But unluckily, it jumped towards you and you shut your eyes as you pulled the trigger on your gun, not caring whether it hits the demon or not.

Opening your eyes, the demon was already pinned against the wall. Nero used his Devil Bringer to pin it and you find the chance to shoot the demon. After shooting it for a moment, its blood spurted out, almost landing on your shoes.

"Eww," you quickly move away from the blood. "I hate lizards."

Studying the demon, it didn't disappear into ashes.

"That's strange," you furrowed your eyebrows.

Nero walked towards you and studied the demon as well. Without a few seconds to lose, the demon's tail waved roughly that it hits you, sending you to fly and hit your back against the wall.

"(Y/n)!" Nero called out.

You tried to stand but your legs wouldn't do so. Nero ran over to you and pulled out the Red Queen. Standing in front you, the demon jumped again but this time with faster speed. Nero grabs you and pulled you to the side. Swinging his sword, he sliced its tail as it wiggles. You shiver at the sight of it and tried to move as far as you can.

"Sorry buddy. This hunt ends now!" he sliced the lizards head and it disappear into ashes.

"Talk about a freaking lizard. It is disgusting. Ergh.." You groaned as you wiped the dust on your pants.

Nero walked towards you and smirks; "Now I can tell why Dante is super excited when he tried to scare you with a dead lizard."

"Hey. For your information, it is NOT funny or cute ok?" you raised your finger in front of his face.

He chuckled, "Alright. Just take it easy ok? I think it is cute."

You faced him and blushed when you saw him smirking and staring at you. You tried to look away from him but he grabbed your cheeks and gently strokes it. Before you could pull away from him, he placed his lips on you, kissing you gently. [Ok just kidding. It didn't really happen. Haha... But hey, should it?? *evil grins* sorry for the suspense. I'm having a major migraine right now and I need to chill a little. Huhu.]

**What really happen**

You faced him and blushed when you saw him smirking.

"Whatever. Let's just grab that treasure map and get out of here before any other lizard appears ok?" you said as you quickly left the room.

"Are you two alright?" Trish waited at the end of the staircase.

"Yeah. Just a little discomfort in this mansion," you glared at her.

Trish looked at Nero but Nero just shrugged his shoulder not telling her what actually happened. You gave her all the items you found.

"Alright. Thanks for your hard work and I'll take care of everything from now on. I will give you the payment once everything is settled," she turned to you who are currently in a hurry to leave the place. "You can go now."

You quickly walk towards the exit as Nero follows after you. Sending you back to Devil May Cry, you stood at the front door.

"Hey Nero?" you turned to him. "I hope you won't tell any of these twerps about what happened at the mansion today."

Nero smiled at you, "Sure. No problem. Just take care of yourself alright?"

You nodded and wave him goodbye. Entering the place, everything seems to be very quite. Dante and Vergil were nowhere in sight. You're too tired to think about it, so you made your decision to sleep over at the office. You plopped yourself onto the couch and settles your weapons on the coffee table in front of you. Sighing, you closed your eyes waiting to fall asleep. Before you drift away, you heard a sound from beneath the sofa. Darting your eyes open, you froze. You don't like the sound of it. Slowly, you shifted a little waiting for the right time for you to jump away from the couch. Feeling something crawling on your arms, your face begins to pale. You quickly jumped and shriek when you finally notice a medium sized lizard crawling on you.

"Damn it! What the hell Dante?!" You shrieked as you stomp away from the couch and brushed your arm.

Walking backwards, you heard a chuckle from upstairs, "I see you're done with your mission."

"I am so going to kill you if I have the chance," you narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms.

Dante walked down the stairs wearing only his pants. You blushed at the side of him being half naked. He walks towards you and pinned you against the wall behind you.

"I told you. You look so cute when you yelp like that," he smirks. "You look so tired babe. Mind if I help you ease your tension for a bit?"

You looked at his face and blinked, "Ok, here's the thing. I'm tired of you with your childish pranks. Besides, Vergil will be back soon. And I think he will kill you if he finds out anything happens to me."

"Oh, about that.." Dante deepens his smirk, "He won't be back soon. He received this S-Rank mission that kind of takes up a few days time. But then again, I heard you did a great job fighting the lizard-like demon tonight."

Hearing upon what Dante said, you questioned yourself. 'How did he know?'

"No I didn't kill any lizard-like demon," you tried to deny the fact that you did.

"Come on babe. Just be honest. I can already imagine you shrieking the whole time," he smirks.

Not wanting to continue this conversation, you quickly pushed him aside, hoping to break free from him. Unfortunately, you totally forgot about Dante's strength. He grabbed you by your arms and pinned you against the wall again. Smirking, he trails his nose on your neck and starts kissing it gently. You tried to breath and struggle underneath his grip. Unable to break free, he placed his lips on you and you had no choice but to return his kiss.


Phew~ *wipes forehead* Wow.. That's a long chapter.. What do you think? xD I have to say, if you're not satisfied with the reader being scared/disgusted by a lizard, sorry alright. After all, it is just a story okay? Okay. xD

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