4. Killer Party

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**I do not own Devil May Cry.. They belong to Capcom**

Sitting in a café leisurely, you were sipping a cup of fresh hot tea while reading through the file you’re holding. The file contains a few mission requests that you received a few days back. You were sitting near the large window frame right to your left side. Taking a few quick glances outside, the image of people walking outside peacefully carved a gentle smile on your lips. As time flies by, you decided to stop reading through it and ask the twins for their help. Exhaling a bit, you pulled out your money out from your wallet and placed it onto the small plate near your tea cup. Sighing, you decided to walk instead of riding a cab. As you arrived at the front door, you heard an angry voice from the inside.

“Why won’t you fix it, Dante?!” A little girl shrieked.

Before you could reach the door knob, the door swung open, revealing Patty’s watery eyes and puffy cheeks. You blinked, staring into Patty’s eyes, curving your eyebrows.

“What’s wrong Patty?” you asked, pulling her back inside. Patty wrapped her arms around your waist and tilted her chin up.

“Dante won’t help me fix the TV. It got broken again.”

You wanted to say something, but nothing came out. Frowning, you saw Dante lying on his couch.

“Find me some cash and I will buy a new TV set,” Dante said sarcastically with his face buried under the magazine he was reading earlier. “Or you can just go marry a rich guy and ask him to get you a new TV,” he continued, not even peeking from his covered face.

Sighing, you walked over to him and roughly pulled the magazine away, “What’s wrong with you? Can’t you at least say something nice to her?”

Dante didn’t open his eyes but instead, he opens his mouth, “She can’t stop bragging about it the whole time. She can always go home and watch it there, can’t she?”

Well, he is right. But Patty is just a child and she wanted to sit around with them as she considers them like her own brothers. Plopping the magazine back onto Dante’s face, you heard him grunt. Shaking your head, you turned to Vergil who is currently digging his brains into whatever it is he’s reading.

Walking towards his desk, you asked, “Can you fix it?”

 “I don’t fix things. I destroy it,” he responded not looking at you but the book on his hand.

Patty stomps her way outside, leaving the place. You decided to just let her go and not make things anymore worse. Sighing, you walked over to Dante’s desk and leaned against it, facing the twins.

“I need help with my mission. Interested?” you said as you change your gazes to both of them.

Vergil slightly tilted his head to the side; somehow not interested. But he was waiting for you to spill everything out while Dante didn’t even move an inch.

“I have a mission requested by a client of mine. He usually pays me at a high price. I suppose you want the money right?” you smiled.

 “Spill it, but it doesn’t mean that I agreed on taking this job,” Dante voiced out with the magazine STILL covering his face.

“Well, there’ve been rumors going around saying that every time a huge party is held, there will be someone, well; I assume it’s a something, which will appear in the party and ended up devouring its victim,” you smirked (but of course Vergil and Dante didn’t actually look at you).

“So? How does that sound? Care to help me out?” The two of them didn’t answer you. “Vergil?”

“Apparently, it is far beyond my interest,” Vergil answered, “I hate parties.”

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