Chapter 1 - A Mafias Son

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Hello everyone! (I know this is annoying and you can skip to start reading but I think it's important)

This is my very first story I've written on wattpad, and I've been very passionate about writing before this. So remember, criticism and recommendations for the story are completely welcome! I really appreciate it and want to improve my writing! So when your reading through the story and you see something that could be improved, please say something! (Just don't be to harsh because I am very sensitive lmfao 💀)
But anyways, enjoy the story!! :D (its currently being edited by Ranchy2000 so thank you to them )

Clay Blanc, a 23 year old man, had joined the Mafia only three years ago. He started on simple missions to spy or watch people from the opposing Mafia in the area. After only one year, the leader of Clay's Mafia, Wilbur, got shot in a battle between him and the opposing Mafia's leader. It didn't take long for the group to choose a new leader, for Clay was the only possible option that wouldn't get them all killed in the first week. People in the Mafia and outside of it started calling Clay by the name of Dream, a nickname developed right after the death of Wilbur.

Third Person POV.
Two years had passed for Clay as the Mafia leader. Clay, or Dream, was starting to get really stressed. He really needed either time off, or this stupid ass case to be done with. He needed bait. He needed info. But where to find it? He didn't know where to start. This case has been the most difficult since he first started working as the leader in his mafia. All he wanted was for it to be done and over with. He thought for hours, days on end, sitting in his office, wondering what he could do. Once and a while someone would come in and check on their boss, still, Dream didn't leave his study until he thought of the perfect way to finish this stupid case. He came out of the study and walked into the meeting room where his mafia was discussing the case. Dream stands at the end of the long wooden table, Locking eyes with every single person in the room. "I have an idea".

TW: cursing, mention of kidnapping
Dreams POV:
I walked into the meeting room. Everyone stopped talking as I approached the table. "I have an idea," I said. They looked interested, so I continued. "I've been thinking, the only way to get further on this stupid ass case is if we have information. Without it, we are going to get no where". The others nodded in agreement to my statement. I continued, "now, we have tried everything, spies, undercover agents, drop ins, but nothing has worked. The only other way that we are going to get info from the other side is a culprit." I finished.
They all looked generally scared. I wasn't sure why, until I realized that everyone knew what I was about to say. "I need a couple of you to go find a culprit for us". "The other mafias leader has a son, now what you're gonna have to do is kidnap, or "borrow him", bring him here, and we will go from there" I looked around. Everyone looked pretty convinced at my plan, I was proud as hell at that moment. "Any volunteers?" I asked the table.
Nick, or as people in our mafia called him, Sapnap, raised his hand, as well as Techno and Alex, or (Quackity). "Good. It's settled then. You three leave tomorrow night. You're all dismissed".

971 words

Mafias Man (dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now