Chapter 30 - the end

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George POV:
I hear the door open downstairs, but think nothing if it. People come in and out if the manor thousands of times a day, it was nothing new. Although I wish it was. I wish I could hear his voice this time.

"IM BACK BITCHES!!" I hear from downstairs. Heh. I hearing things now, holy shit I'm lonely.

But then I hear screams and cheers from downstairs..


I jump out of bed, struggling to get the tangled blankets off of me. Eventually I'm sprinting into the hallway, and racing through it. And then I see him. That beautiful face, that beautiful face that I though was dead, killed by my own bitch of a father.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek as I get impatient of running down the stairs. I leap over the railing of the stairs and jump strait into his warm arms. He was obviously shocked from the stunt I just pulled, but he didn't seem to care that much after a second.

He pulled me into his chest even more. I can hear his happy cries as I latch on to him even tighter, I never wanted this to end.

He laughed at my pathetic self, bawling my eyes out int his shoulder while he held me in his arms, everyone else in the room cheering and screaming. Suddenly a loud cheer came from the kitchen, and it was quite recognizable.

Sapnap ran the down the hallway and jumped onto Clay and I, with an amount of force that almost sent us onto the ground.

More screams and cheers were released when i finally let go of Clay and held his hand tight. A flood of people came into the  circle they had just recently formed around us, they all congratulated Clay on his mission, some hugging him and some shaking his hand.

After a while the excitement settled down and everyone eventually got back to what they were doing before Clay arrived. Although me and Sap had not left Clays side once.

We were walking upstairs, me and Sapnap were still clinging onto Dream. When we reached the top of the stairs, he finally spoke.

"You two are really clingy you know." He wheezed at his own sentence, leaving Sapnap and I giving him annoyed faces. But only one of us could be clingy now, because Karl eventually came up the stairs and dragged Nick off of dreams arm.

"Nick, you have to let go" he said as he struggled and pulled Sapnaps free arm towards him.

"But I don't wannaaa" he dragged out the last A in a whiney tone. And with one last tug, Karl got him off and dragged him downstairs. I could hear the complaints in the distance and Clay and I simply giggled at them.

After a while of sitting in silence, enjoying the comfort of being next to each other for the first time in a while, I finally gain the courage to ask Dream about what happened over the past week.

"So, Clay, if your here, if your alive, then does that mean my dad is finally, does this mean he's dead?" I ask. He smiles and looks at me in a much to psychotic to be normal way.

"George, honey, love, pretty boy, my beautiful gogy". He takes a break and ruffles my hair. I giggle at his movements.

"I blew a hole into his ugly little grimy face. He is now living at the bottom of the lake, where he belongs, with a bunch of other snakes such as himself."

I smiled at his beautifully worded phrasing, this is why I loved him. This is why he's mine.

But then I was confused.

"Wait, if you killed him right away, why did it take you a week to get here, I mean, I just don't understand."

Clay POV:

"George, honey, love, pretty boy, my beautiful gogy". He takes a break and ruffles my hair. He giggle at my movements.

"I blew a hole into his ugly little grimy face. He is now living at the bottom of the lake, where he belongs, with a bunch of other snakes such as himself." 

He smiled at my beautifully worded phrasing.

But then he looked confused all of a sudden.

"Wait, if you killed him right away, why did it take you a week to get here, I mean, I just don't understand."

The memories of the barn, the police station, the corn field, and everything else came gliding back to me. I sigh.

"It all started when the police showed up."

I told him everything. From the escaping the police station, to the car being griefed, then the rental shop being closed. From the phone to the field, from the barn to the corn. Everything.

All through the the story, he seemed to be in shock and disbelief, hardly even talking or moving at all accept for the occasional gasp or nod.

When I was finally finished telling him everything, he sighed, but finally spoke.

"I love you Dream." He said.

"I love you to Georgie." I reply before giving him a quick kiss in the forehead.

God I love being in the mafia.

A/N - 33 613 words total.

Hello everyone!!
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the support. It's incredible how far this story has come, and i can thank all of you. I would like to give a shout-out to the people that stayed all throughout the story, I appreciate it so much and love every single one of you. You have no idea.

New Book Description:
~George, the prince and soon to be king of a well known kingdom, is having a chosen wedding with a girl he just met. But along with this girl comes a servant, one he had never seen before. One that he never wished to un-see~

I love you all lots, you are all valid and awesome! Much love, from the author <33

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