Chapter 29 - a journey

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Dream POV:
This cycle repeats for a whole week. I wake up, leave come back, and sleep.

And I don't know if I can take it anymore. I want to go home. I want to see my friends, I want to see Sapnap. I want to see George. I just want to go home.

I sigh and stand up from my current spot behind the hay bale. I walk to the middle of the floor and stare down the hatch that leads to downstairs. I climb down the ladder, internally make it sure that I have everything I came in here with. I stand at the doorway of the barn. I check my watch before exiting the building I've been hiding out in for the past week.

I stroll to the end of the property and walk onto the open road.

It's gonna take some strategy, but I think it's time to go home.

George POV:
I lay in bed, the same bed the Dream used to lay in with me. I was hopeless. I silently sob to myself, the pillow underneath me getting soaked with tears. Dream. My Dream. I just want to see him again. I just want to hug him for one last time.

I hear a knock on the bedroom door, breaking me out of my own head. Sapnap walks in with a tray of food, I look at the clock on the wall, it was already dinner time. I hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch, I had just been lying here all day.

God I miss him. I miss him bringing me food even when I was angry at him. I miss when we would eat snacks all day and watch movies without caring about anything else in the world. I miss him so much.

"George? Earth to George!" Sapnap exclaims as I zone back into the real world once again.

"Sorry Sap, zoned out again." I reply to the raven haired boy.

He smiles and nods at my reply, "it's okay, here's you food! Karl made it."

He smiles and stretches his arms so that h can take the plate from him.

He turns around to leave, but then turns and faces me again. He opens his mouth to speak,

"Hey and George-" he takes a breath. "It's all gonna be alright in the end. It's gonna be okay." He finishes.

I simply nod and smile, I didn't want to seem let down. When he exits the room, i take a bite of the food and think to myself. He only recently started coming out of his room. It didn't make sense, he was all of a sudden cheerful and positive? No. He must just be hiding his pain a lot better than me.

I sigh.

Where are you Dream?

Sapnap POV:
Obviously I wasn't okay. But I couldn't let George down like that. If I stayed in my room, if I mopped around the manor, if I didn't start to accept it, neither would George. I was dreams best friend after all, if George were to reflect off of anyone in the manor, it would be me or Dream. And I'm the only one left.

So I learned. I learned to cover up the pain with a smile, an decent looking happy smile that people would believe at first glance. But really, if you stared to long, it would slowly start to look faker and faker.

Karl was a huge help. He comforted me and George, making us both good food, offering to paint our nails, watch tv with him. I appreciated how much he cared about us. I loved it so much.

George wont accept the fact that Dream is probably dead. I don't want to either, but it might just be the on option right now. I think George is starting realize that as well.

I just really hope that he gets better, for dreams sake.

Dream POV:
I walked. And I walked. I walked for hours on end. I kept going to check my phone, but every time I was lead to disappointment, as it was either broken or powered completely off.

God I need to get home. It was already starting to get dark, and I didn't have a flashlight, so this wasn't good.

The moon is starting to rise into the sky, but it quickly get ms covered by some dark clouds. Oh no. I feel a drop on my head, then on my arm, and now I'm soaked. The rain drenched me and now I'm even more sad than I was before.

I sigh as I continue walking down what seemed it be an endless road. Thoughts ran through my mind as I tromped down the road in my drenched clothes. What were they going to say if I made it back to the manor? Do they think I'm dead? Are George and Sapnap okay? I sigh once more before stopping to take a breath.

I take a few deep breaths before continuing on my journey. Suddenly I see it, the sign that might have saved my life.

Highway 23.

The manor was on highway 23. I practically squeal in delight, knowing I'm almost home. But suddenly the happiness stops. I hear police sirens. I run and jump into a nearby cornfield and duck down.

A police officer, who looked to be ver focused, pulled over his loud ass car near where I was sitting, but on the other side of the road. He pulls out his walk-in talkie looking thing and speaks into it loudly.

"Yes, yes Officer Smalls, a civilian reported that they had seen him near this area." He paused, listening to the murder coming out of the device. "No I haven't seen him, but I need to at least look."

Suddenly he looks directly in my direction.


I dash way further into the field, Hoping to god that he didn't see me. I turn, trying to figure out which way I needed to go from here. Finally I decide on a way I think will get me to the manor. I spring through the feint, dodging every crooked piece of corn that was sticking out from another row.

After a while my legs start to get tired. I stray to walk through the field instead of run. I mean, how far away could the manor even be? Pretty damn close, because the wheat field that separates the corn and the manor is in sight.

I smile the biggest I have ever before. I run through the field, but worried about what happens to the crops. The manor is in sight, and sadly no one is outside. But they are probably there. I run out of the field and onto the grass, and then onto the pavement of the driveway.

I run up to the door and burst it open. Everyone in the foyer stares at me, shocked looks on their faces.


A/N - 1162 words.

Next chapter is the last chapter of Mafias Man!! I appreciate all of your support and I love ever single one of you!

I'm going to be starting a new book, since I lost interest and had no motivation to write we fell in love in October.

The new book description.
~George, the prince and soon to be king of a well known kingdom, is having a chosen wedding with a girl he just met. But along with this girl comes a servant, one he had never seen before. One that he never wished to un-see~

Voting, commenting, following, helps me out a lot!

Staying hydrated = poggas

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