Chapter 22 - a picnic

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George POV:
When I wake up, I feel a warm body beneath me, breathing at a perfectly even pace. I look up and see the blonde, his lips parted with little space between them, hot breath blowing onto my face gently.

I look around the room and see nothing, as it was pitch black, but I could see light coming out from behind the shades of the windows. I carefully get up, trying not to wake Clay. I creep over to the door and open it as I start my walk downstairs. I finally make it down the creaky stairs and walk into the kitchen. Karl and Sapnap are sitting at the barstools, chatting and on their phones.

"Good morning" I say tithe couple,yawning as I walk over to the fridge, grabbing an apple and then proceeding to take a bite out of it.

"Good morning George" Karl replies, a beaming smile covering his face.

Sapnap looks over to me, confused about something as usual. "Where's Clay?" He finally asks.

"Sleeping, that idiot is starting to sleep more than me, and I can clarify that it is not a healthy amount" I giggle as Nick rolls his eyes at his best friends antics.

We chat for a while, Clay still hasn't came downstairs. I put my Apple core into the compost bin and take out my phone. He hasn't been active on any social media's yet either, god he must be exhausted. 

Finally after sitting in silence for minutes at a time, Karl finally speaks up.

"Do you guys wanna go on a picnic today? My aunt just bought this new cottage and it has a little pasture field and creek, it's actually the most perfect picnic spot ever, plus, we can all go together!" He finishes.

"I'm in" I reply. A picnic sounded like fun( a break away from all of this shit.

I hear footsteps coming from behind me, then a familiar sleepy voice talking.

"Hello people that wake up way to early".
He says, clearly still tired. He was wearing black sweatpants and a white tee shirt, deme thing he wore to bed.

"Hello person who wakes up to late" I reply back to him, he rolls his eyes at me.
"Ok mr 'I need 14 hours of sleep a day to survive life'" I hit him against the arm, to which he says quite bluntly "OW".

"So Clay, we were wondering if you wanted to go in a picnic today, although George already agreed, so you don't really get a choice anyway".

"Yeah sure why not, but only with one condition" we all stare wonderingly into his gaze.

"George had to wear a skirt".

Clay POV:
"Yeah sure why not, but only with one condition" they all stare wonderingly into my gaze. Knowing what I am about to say, I smirk to myself.

"George has wear a skirt"

The brunettes face goes red, but then he seems to calm his nerves a little bit, oh god. What the fuck is he planning.

"Fine." He says. I clearly looked surprised, because he smirked at my expression,

"Fine, but Karl has to too."

Now Karl's face goes a deeper shade of reds than George's, however Sapnap does not seem to be complaining.

When Karl agrees, Sapnap looks more than over joyed. And so was I. We headed upstairs to get changed and George was starting to look like he was regretting his decision. When I walk into the closet, I speed walk over to the pants and flip through the many pairs of skirts. I finally find a white tennis skirt that George would probably be comfortable wearing. While I'm in the closet, I also grab a light blue crew neck sweater for George, and a pastel green one for me. As well as some shorts to go with it.

I walk out of the room and ours, holding up the skirt and other prices of clothing confidently. I pass George the sweater and skirt and he looks, well, let's just say he does not look happy. He walks out of the room and I can hear the bathroom door shut in the distance.

I'm done changing before George comes out, but eventually he walks back over to our room, blushing more than I've ever seen him before. To be honest, he looked cute as fuck in that skirt. Like, really, really cute. I couldn't help but smile when he tries to cover up the white fabric. I walk towards him and kiss him in the cheek.

"You are so pretty, did you know that?" I tell him.

Now his face is the deepest shade if red I've ever seen in a person before.

"Thank you" he replies, really quietly as we walk down stairs.

When we get to the bottom, Karl and Sapnap are waiting for us already. Karl in his skirt, almost identical to George's. He was wearing a light purple sweater, we were going with a theme here apparently. Sapnap was standing beside him, looking as happy as ever. He was wearing a pastel crew neck as well, except his was a orangey-red colour.

We make our way out to the car and Sapnap places the picnic basket in the trunk. Karl and George sit in the back, only because Sapnap screamed shot gun right when we left the house.

We drove for about half an hour, finally arriving to Karl's aunts at about 1:30. Close enough to be lunch. I open the car door, everyone else doing the same. Spank opens the trunk and takes the basket out, closing the door after.

I look around, expecting to see Karl's aunt, but other than us four, there wasn't any sign of human life.

"Don't worry Clay, she's on vacation, that's why she invited us to come and visit the cottage!" He says.

"Okay, thanks Karl" I reply.

Karl leads us out past the cottage, further out, towards what looks like a flower field grassy land type surrounding area. He finally hauled to a stop in a Grady area, surrounded by flowers, colours of every sort painted on their petals so beautifully.

Karl laid out a blanket, making sure all of the sides were even before letting anyone sit down. Sapnap puts down the basket in the middle of the blanket, and we all sit around it. He opens the basket and take out a little bit of everything. Some of the  strawberries, sandwiches, chips, cheese, candy, chocolate of all sorts, a veggie tray, and a pitcher of pink lemonade.

We eat for almost an hour, chatting and laughing about completely non important stuff. I was so glad to get all of this mafia shit off of my mind. It was so stressful knowing I was gonna have to kill my boyfriends dad. But this got my mind of of it, and I was actually enjoying myself.

Soon enough it was time to go, and we started packing up our stuff. Honestly I kind of forgot about the whole skirt thing, George really hadn't seemed to care this whole time. Unusual, but good. Because that means that he might wear them more often now. I doubt that, but I can have my dreams.

We all pile into the car and start driving away. We sit in silence for most of the car ride, just listening to what the radio had to offer for us. When we finally arrive hime at the manor, it's about five o'clock. I carry in the basket full of empty containers and wrappers inside of the house and into the kitchen. I set it down on the counter and then walk upstairs.

I collapse in the bed and sigh. Soon after George joins me and we lie there in silence, utterly beautiful silence

A/N - 1303
Once upon a time,
I was writing this chapter, so peacefully. One paragraph in, AND A FUCKING SPIDER CRAWLS ACROSS MY CHEST, UP MY NECK AND ONTO MY FACE. I stood up, turned my flashlight on and searched frantically for the spider I had just threw off my face. I spot it, RUNNING TOWARDS MY FEET. I dodge it, and it crawls on top of my pillow. I then proceed to Chuck the pillow onto my floor and panic because I can't see the spider anymore. Once I'm sure it's gone, I crawl back into bed and write a couple more paragraphs. Then, a SPIDER CRAWLS ACROSS MY FACE AGAIN. I flick it off and throw another pillow at it. I then get my dad to inspect my room at 12:00 in the morning, he sees no spiders, and here I am now. The end.

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