Chapter 16- discussion

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Sally POV:
When George texted me last night, I felt saved. Saved from being trapped in this loop of not expressing my feelings. Ever since Wilbur passed, I haven't been the same. It's like I lost all motivation to do anything with anyone.

The only person I have in this world right now is Fundy, he's thirteen. I can't put that kind of pressure on him, the pressure of him knowing how his own mom is feeling.

But when George texted, I knew this was my big break. It was a win-win situation for the both of us. I need help with personal issues, George needs help with personal issues. I was in a very similar position with this Mafia bullshit, just like he is now. He seems like the person who knows how to listen and observe, and that's exactly what I needed right now. I needed to tell him everything I've needed to tell someone for the last three years.

"Hello George, Come on in!" I say, trying to be as polite as possible, I didn't want to scare him off.

I notice that he looks a little dehydrated, so I offer him something to drink. He asks for water, so I grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it up with water. I hand him the glass as he takes it from my grasp and thanks me.

I lead him to the living room where I sit down in my usual chair, and I gesture for him to sit on the couch. Once he takes a seat, I get down to business.

"So George, what did you want to talk about?"

He takes a deep breath before answering me.

"As you know, me and Clay recently started dating."

I nod my head in response.

"I feel as if, and I know this might be a sensitive topic for you, but I feel as if he is never safe". He continues. "I feel like I need to be with him all the time, or else I don't know what will happen to him. I asked a friend about this same topic, his name is Karl. He also has a boyfriend, his name is Nick, he's Clay's best friend. I asked him about having a boyfriend in the mafia, and he says it will be one of the hardest things I'll ever do. How do I know if I'm ready, Sally?"

George POV:

I start on my rant.

"As you know, me and Clay recently started dating."

She nods her head in response to my sentence .

"I feel as if, and I know this might be a sensitive topic for you, but I feel as if he is never safe". I continue. "I feel like I need to be with him all the time, or else I don't know what will happen to him". "I asked a friend about this same topic, his name is Karl. He also has a boyfriend, his name is Nick, he's Clay's best friend. I asked him about having a boyfriend in the mafia, and he says it will be one of the hardest things I'll ever do. How do I know if I'm ready, Sally?"

I can almost see the wheels turning in her head, but then she simply smiles at me. It was comforting, this woman was like a teddy bear, someone you could confess all of your problems to, and she would comfort you until you felt better.

"George, I can tell you are ready by looking at you".  I smile but stare at the ground. "But, if you are still unsure, of course I can share my experience." She finishes. I nod my head and gesture for her to continue.

"When I was dating Wilbur, he never told me about the mafia, let alone being in it. In fact, I don't think he was ever gonna tell me at all." I gave her a confused look, why wouldn't he want to tell her about something so important? She continued, "The only way I found out was because one time I was shopping in the grocery store downtown and a strange looking man came up to me, he looked like an FBI agent for all I knew back then. He asked me 'are you William Gold's wife, like," and then he began to whisper 'the mafia leader, William Gold's wife' oh George, I'm pretty sure the look on my face would have scared him away, but somehow, he just looked like he wanted me to answer the question. To be completely honest with you George, I almost said no. It sounds silly, but I always forget that Will's real name name is William, since he always goes by Wilbur." I giggle at this. "However I did say yes, and he just smiled, nodded his head, and walked away". She smiles, but then looks at me in wonder.

"But in your case George, you knew Dream was in the mafia, now you must tell me how you met Dream, I need to know!" She looks excited for the story, almost like it's gonna be romantic or dumb shit like that.

Oh god. What the hell do I tell her? Dream rescued me off a crashing airplane and we fell deeply in love once we heard the explosion in the background? I think I need to tell her the truth, I'm gonna be here for a while, I can tell, but the way she's setting things up, she told me how she found out, that's the beginning of everything. That's the beginning of this whole conversation.

"Well, um Sally, it's actually quite a funny story, heh". I explained it all. "It was just a normal day for me"- I kept going, "then Sapnap and Techno sprung up from behind me and grabbed me". - "I was in a car" - "i woke up in a room" - "hiya Georgie".

The expression on her face says it all. I rub the back of my neck in embarrassment.

Sally finally spoke.
"At least you can say he literally stole your heart?" I laughed as she said this. She giggled.

I explain to her about the first few days, how I did absolutely nothing interesting, then I tell her about the news, and what happened when I saw it "I was in a really bad mental state Sally, I wouldn't have freaked out any other time, I was just, confused and mad, and really, really sad. But I remember when Dream simply walked into the room that day, I knew it was gonna get better" she nodded and smiled. "He held me in his arms, Sally. All day. Until we had to go to a meeting, at first I was nervous, there were a lot of people there. They looked really important. I was really, really scared at that point. But Clay was next to me, and all I had to do was look at him to feel better". She looks so happy at this point. She looks like she's gonna explode from tears of joy, I haven't even gotten to the rain bit yet.

I hesitate telling her about my dad, and that day, but she deserves to know. So I speak. I tell her about the cafe, about the 8 ball, and the back roads. I tell her how I woke up in a car, I tell her how Dream saved my life. (It's not like he's already done that, George 🙄)

I'm on the edge of my seat, and I'm the one telling the story, I literally lived it, after all.

I tell her about searching for Dream, not being able to find him anywhere. I tell her how I couldn't see him at first, but I find him lying in the grass. I told her how it was pouring out, but we didn't care. I told her how we danced, for hours on end. I told her about the playlist.

"And then I told him I loved him"

1334 words

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