Surprise chapter

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Clay POV:
I sit up from the kitchen counter and walk towards the sink. I quickly wash my plate off a bit before placing it neatly in the dishwasher and then closing the door.

I walk around the counter and towards the living room, listening to the faint noises of a kids TV show being played on the flat screen.

I sit down on the couch, watching and listening to my surroundings. My daughter, my beautiful daughter, had turned four today. She had her dirty blonde hair tied in little pigtails, they hardly even fit her head because her hair wasn't tremendously long, but Georgie had still managed to tie them on nicely.

Her dress, oh her dress. A light blue, George's favourite colour (I wonder who bought it for her). It had lots of ruffles, but not enough for her to be uncomfortable. It seemed like it costed a LOT of money, but when I questioned that before, George had immediately changed the conversation topic. I didn't blame him.

She looked so happy when she saw me sit down. Immediately turning her attention away from the TV, and to me. (If only George would do that 🙄).

And there I was stood.
Sitting on a comfortable, yet stern couch, watching myself throw my daughter into the air at a steady pace. The smile on her face made it all worth it. She was giggling as I kept throwing her, putting her arms out like she was flying. I was now laughing too, and I stopped throwing her and held her in my arms. I look over to George, who was in the corner of the room, rolling his eyes at our antics.

I whisper something in her ear, and she makes a confused look, but then giggles at me and slides off the couch. She runs, almost tripping over her own feet, all the way to George. Jumping and latching on to his face. He carefully picks her up from her underarm and sets her down on his lap.

"Daddy says to tell you that he had a dream about this once". She says. He makes a confused look at me but I just smile back at him instead of replying.

Maybe dreams do come true.

Mafias Man (dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now