Chapter 24

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Hey March Update! ENJOY! Also I know what Emily looks like and I've got a pic of her. I'll show you the pic on the next update for suspense so stay tuned. ;)

Ulrich's POV

I woke up early this morning. The main reason was so I could go talk to Yumi about the whole misunderstanding. I thought Sissi had changed ever since we shut down the supercomputer but I was wrong. She is still after me. Some people just never change. Looking at the mirror, I realised I had dark circles around my eyes. Damn Odd and his loud snoring.

After a good hour or so I was freshly dressed in my usual clothing and I was ready to go talk to Yumi. I can't afford to lose her again and especially for something I didn't even do. After texting Aelita last night I felt that even she didn't believe me, which really sucked as I really needed a friend to believe me at the moment.

"WOAH! IS THAT YOU ULRICH?" Odd screamed with great energy even though he was very sleepy which I could tell as he would usually wake up at 1pm in the afternoon on Saturdays.

"Yess! Unlike you I am strong enough to wake up this early." I said raising my eyebrow at him.

"I know you too well. There's something you want to tell me?" Odd questions me.

"No." I pause. "yes." I look down in shame that Odd caught me hiding something. If I didn't admit that I had, then he would have found out anyway so the only best thing I could do was admit that I was hiding something as I didn't want to waste any time at all.

"What is it?"

"Sissi somehow got a video of me and Aelita kissing." I say murmuring.

"AELITA?" Odd exclaimed. "But she's with Jeremy. Dude she's taken or I would have been the one to go out with her."

"What makes you think she'd go out with you?" I say.

"What? Of course she would. Who wouldn't? I got the power, the confidence, and the kindness." Odd says full of himself.

"I think you ought to get rid of the power." I say leaving the room with Odd in shock.

When I arrive at Yumi's house, I knock and I see her little brother open the door.


"Shut up Hiroki!" I hear Yumi say as she runs downstairs.

"Hi!" I say awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. She attempts of shut the door but I put my foot in between. 

"OUCH!" I scream. "That Hurt like hell."

"Well you shouldn't have come here in first place."

"Listen I want to talk to you." I say trying to get her attention.

"I have no time for liars." She says pausing. "Move your foot. I don't want to hurt you but if I have to I will." 

"Just before you go. I didn't kiss Aelita." I pause. "And if you don't believe that, then you don't deserve me." With that I left unsuccessful in my mission. Behind me I heard her sigh and close the door.

Aelita's POV

"Hey" I say meeting Emily at the park. She had bought the badminton rackets and we immediately started playing having lots of fun.

"You're good." She says as she misses hitting the shuttle back.

"Thanks. I practise often." I say hitting the shuttle as it came on my side.

"I brought food." She says. "Do you want to have a break?"

"Sure!" I go to the bench near us and for the few minutes we have fun setting out mini picnic up.

"I haven't spent much time with you and I'd like to get to know you." Emily said.

"Yes!" I pause thinking about it. "I'd really like that." Having a break from Xana once in a while is a good idea. I mean Emily is funny and she might end up being one of us warriors. She's kind and perfect to join our group and she's a great sprinter. I thought about telling her about Xana but then I changed my mind as I'd have to ask the rest of the group before making this big decision on my own.

"Let's play 21 questions." Emily says. "It's a great way to get to know each other."

"Okk. You can start." I say smiling at her.

"What's your favourite colour?"

"Pink Obviously." I reply.

"How did I not guess that?" She says looking quite surprised.

"What's your favourite colour?"

"Red! This is why I have red hair." She says playing with her hair. "What's your most embarrassing moment?" 

"Urmm..." I say thinking for a while. "Well on my first day in this school, the teacher told me to introduce myself and I ended up being so shy that I didn't say anything but odd covered for me."

We continued playing 21 questions and I found out the Emily is a very girly girl and she loves art. She has a sister, who is apparently going to join this school very soon and she loves sport.

"Oh no!" Emily suddenly says.

"What happened?"

"I can't find my phone. It has my dad's number on it. If I lose it then I'd have lost all contact with my dad." She says without taking a second to breathe.

"Calm down. I'm sure we'll find it." I say trying to calm down. I also learnt that her mum and dad are split up and her dad is living in Australia at the moment and Emily is living with her mum. Emily leaves leaving me alone in the park. I stand up when suddenly I hear some noise coming from the woods. Of course me being me I went to investigate. The woods were isolated and I felt terrified. 

"Emily is that you?" I say panting as I see a shadow swift across the ground. I feel a tap on my shoulder and before I know it, a scream leaves my mouth.

Hope you enjoyed. Emily's pic is coming out next update I promise. Question time.

What is your favourite sport(s)? (Mine is swimming and badminton.)

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