Chapter 18

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Sorry for no updates in a while. Here goes another update so read, vote, comment, follow and spread the word... ;)



"Not so fast William." Yumi says throwing her fans out hitting William on target. Odd hovered his overboard to where Aelita was falling and caught her just in time so she was saved from falling.

"I thought you were on earth." Aelita begins.

"No time. You've got a tower to deactivate." Odd says as he unexpectedly jumps off the overboard. Aelita screams as the overboard goes out of control. She manages to get control of it just in time though.

She heads for the tower as she sees Yumi and William fighting intensively. As they fought she couldn't help but notice a spark between them. It was almost scary though she always wanted Ulrich to win Yumi. She jumped off the overboard and got her arms out to deactivate the tower.

Once the tower was deactivated Jeremy devertiliased everyone back to earth. They were all surrounding Jeremy's computer and everyone was wondering the same thing. How did Jeremy manage to teleport Yumi and Odd in Lyoko when they were on earth?

"It's simple really! I downloaded a program, which allows me to teleport you from earth to Lyoko to earth again. However they do have a disadvantage."

"What's the disadvantage?" Aelita asks.

"We lose some life points!" Yumi says. "I felt it when I and Odd were teleported."

"Oh. Maybe one day Jeremy you really will be able to teleport us, without losing our life points."

They all chat for a while about school and soon they make their way back to their dorm or house in the case of Yumi. 

Aelita's POV

I made my way back to my dorms. 

"Hey Emily!" 

"Hey!" She says while listening to music on her iPod.

"What are you hiding?" I ask suspiciously as I watch her hands fiddling in front of her.

"Nothing at all!" She says giving a sneaky laugh after. Girl that gave it away.

"Sureee. Tell me or I'll have to use one of my extreme methods." I say laughing evilly in my head.

"Nothing I told you." Just as I was about use my extreme method Ulrich walked into the room.

"Aelita I need to talk to you." he says seriously.



What do you think Emily is hiding?

What does Ulrich want to tell Aelita?

Sorry for short chapter again! This chapter is more of a filler but next chapter will be EPIC!

SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! DON'T READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO!  The next chapter will include... just kidding! Did you really think I was going to tell you? Vote to find out!

Has you view of Emily changed yet? (I can't answer this question but you guys can so comment below.) If you want you can also comment on what you think she is hiding.


Read, vote, comment, follow and spread the word... ;)

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