Chapter 9

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Harry's POV:

I put my phone down to walk up to my window. I slowly opened the curtains and looked through my window to see Louis sitting on my roof. It was a pleasant sight, I grabbed a coat before I joined him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to stop by," he turned to face me and noticed my face mask, "Aww your so cute," said as he held my head with his hands.

"Thank you," my cheeks heated but were covered by the mask. We sat there in silence as I stared at the stars. I glanced at him and noticed that he was still looking at me. He gazed at me in adoration.

"You're beautiful."

"C'mon your making me blush under this mask," I giggled while he laughed at me, "Okay okay, do you wanna go inside?"

"Sure," I climbed in through my window and after Louis did as well I closed and locked the window.

"Make sure to stay quiet," I whispered, "I'm going to wash my face I'll be back."

"Okay," I watched as he laid on my bed. I quickly walked to the bathroom and washed my face. After putting on some moisturizer I grabbed some snacks and headed back to my room.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked as I jumped on his lap, straddling him. His hand slid up my thighs, "Don't think you want to be doing that," I said sliding his hand down to my knees. I looked into his eyes, an ocean of blue as he pushed a curl behind my ear and gently placed his intoxicating lips. His hands crawled up under my hoodie and wrapped around my waist. He tried to push my mouth open with his tongue but I would budge. I felt his hard cock and he moved my hips so that I was grinding on him. I finally let out a breathy moan, trying to stay quiet. He used that to place his tongue into my mouth winning dominance. Before I could tell him that that was unfair, he picked me up and reversed our position. This time I was laying on my bed while he hovered over me still kissing me. I broke away breathing heavily and looked into his lustful eyes, "We can't do this now nor here," I harshly whispered.

"C'mon you know you enjoyed it. Just let me," he wiped my lip with his thumb and I melted under his touch.

I snapped back into reality and sat up, "Lets do something else how let me paint your nails. Since I know you loved it last time." Louis tried to hide his smile with his hands but I moved them away from his face, "C'mon that's the smile I want to see. How about black nail polish?"

"No no no, that's way to noticeable."

"It's literally black its not like its pink or something and plus who care."

"I care," He faced away from me. I slowly got up and sat next to him while I saw tears sliding down his cheeks. "Why can't I just be with you and not care about everyone's stupid opinions. Why do we live in this stupid world where every thing you fucking matters to people who don't even know you. The people who I know will care about me wearing nail polish don't even know me."

"Stop beating yourself up," I pulled him into a hug while he was in a curled up ball, knees pulled up to his chest. I smoothed out his back, "Who fucking cares about what we do, who cares about what the world thinks of." I picked his chin up like how he once did and looked into his eyes, "Let's live in our own world," after I paused, silence filled the room. Then, I spoke again, "Here what about this," I said removing myself from the hug and I spoke as I got black nail polish from my drawer, "I'll paint your nails and if anyone has anything has to say, I know you can deal with them."

"What do you mean?" He asked chuckling.

"I know what you did to Stan," I spoke while opening the bottle and applying the first coat, "You are my prince charming and I'm your princess, who doesn't need too much saving."

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