Chapter 6: Let's not start a prologue with Tragedy (2)

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'Our lord hero is finally here.' Lucas almost shouted in happiness with his thought as he didn't have to go through any trouble to find this hero of the novel. 

Looking at the rugged boy, the future hero, who was now being pointed up with a sharp tip of Edwin sword, Lucas felt sorry. Imagine being transported to another world out of nowhere and went through a wave of demons' rampage, not so long after the arrival, and now being pointed by a sword whose owner was looking at him with a deathly glare while running for his life, that would be so depressing that Lucas immediately reminded his brother.

"He is just a civilian, brother! Put down your sword!" 

"Oh right, I am sorry." Edwin also realized his fault, well not his fault as everyone would be as alert as him in such kind of situation. "Come here, buddy. It is not so safe to stand at the entrance."

The boy sighed in relief, knowing that he was no longer in the danger of his throat being slashed by a sword. He immediately went towards Edwin side as he also knew what dangers were surrounding on the outside. He almost cursed his life for making him faced such unexpected, ridiculous and dangerous situations.

"Thanks. Umm..... can I know where is this and..... w...what is happening here?" The boy asked in a timid tone while walking towards Edwin and Lucas quickly. 

Edwin seemed dumbfounded by his question, think what the heck was wrong with this newcomer. It was really impossible for someone, especially someone of his age, didn't know the name of the city he lived in. 'Is he a traveler?' He thought. His clothing was strange, too. But that was also impossible for a traveler not to know the name of this city as he would have to cross a gate to enter Evandall and would be welcome with 'Welcome to the Evandall' voice by the gatekeeper. Actually it was already rare to find someone who didn't know this city when the city was relatively famous. 'Did he lose his memory while running?' 

"You are in the Evandall city of Rudia kingdom and there were monsters attacking the city at this moment. We are also hiding to avoid the monsters." Lucas filled in Ryosuke with answers as Edwin was just looking at the youth with unbelievable look. 

"Huh....?" There was a confusing look on Ryosuke's face. 'Evandall? Rudia? I haven't heard of this city and country before....!? And what do you mean by monsters!?' thought Ryosuke, still couldn't believe that fact that he could get transported to another place while walking peacefully on his way to school. Another thought popped up which Ryosuke whispered unconsciously.

"Am I going to... d...die?" Ryosuke wanted to cry. He didn't event want to look outside to see the monsters that young boy in his front stated.

Edwin wanted to rest assure the boy not to worry because reinforcements would be here within a few minutes as Maria was already on her way to capital but he didn't had the chance to do so as he spotted something through the house window and immediately realized it was a listarian, a monster which looked like a green-skinned lizard with a muscle body, a little bit over the average height of a human, holding up an axe, finding his targets sharply with his yellow eyes which had a great eyesight. 

He could kill this monster easily but he was worried that it might attract other monsters which would make him engage in battle. If he was in battle, who was going to look after Lucas? Who was going to ensure the safety of his little brother? He looked back to his brother, who also seemed to notice that damn monster and the strange rugged newcomer with the black hair.

"Hush... and follow me." Edwin whispered and held Lucas's small hands tightly and led them towards the backdoor of the house, keeping the noise as low as possible. 

Lucas immediately knew the situations and he followed his brother's lead, making sure that Ryosuke was following them. But then he noticed a presence entering the house which made him look back with his eyes filled with worries. 

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