Chapter-20: The Sparring

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It was only two weeks left before the banquet and Lucas was frowning in despair. He just looked at Ryosuke who was now taking the dance lessons hopelessly, almost wanting to scream.


Lucas had always thought that Ryosuke was kind of like a perfect man who was good at and was able to solve everything. He never realized that dancing would be involved in the little amount of things that Ryosuke could not excel at.

"Young master, this is the 12th time that you have stepped on my foot...." Instructor Ann laughed nervously as she reminded Ryosuke who was now out of the rhythm of dancing.

"I am sorry!!! I didn't realize that! I will take care next time!"

'It is also the 12th time you promise that! Is my imagination for the beautiful scenery of dancing ruined?'

In such celebrational banquet, there would be two rounds of ballroom dancing. Most of the people participated in dancing so everyone needed to be able to dance, for an average level at least. Of course there were more adults dancing but it was safe for Ryosuke and Lucas to at least know the basics in case someone of the similar age invited them to.

Everyone thought that one month of intensive dance lessons would be enough for Ryousuke to grasp at least some of the basics in dancing even though he might not be so proficient but that was proved to be entirely wrong.

'Did Stella suffer while dancing with Ryosuke in the novel!?' Lucas felt a need to seriously recall the novel. He absolutely remembered that Stella and Ryosuke danced together at that banquet and it was the first banquet for Ryosuke so Lucas really thought the birthday banquet was the one. Now he had to seriously consider if he remembered it wrong. In the first place, he didn't trust his memory that much.

The music started again and Lucas had to control himself from laughing when the 13th stepping accident came. But unfortunately a tiny laugh from Lucas was out.

"Lucas! Don't laugh! You are also not that good at dancing!!!" Ryosuke's face looked like a red apple, currently and Lucas couldn't hold in anymore when seeing this.

"Hahaha.... I am sorry, brother.. And I am not as bad as you, brother Ryo! I only stepped for like 5 times today and I finally got through without any errors at the last dance!" Although it was not a thing to be proud of, a confident look was displayed on Lucas's face.

"Besides, there would be no girl who is similar to my age in the banquet and so not being able to dance well is not a problem for me! But you are another case, brother."

"I don't want to do it anymore...." As soon as Ryosuke's usual groaning voice could be heard, Ann, who was surprisingly still not tired to teach Ryosuke, motivated him not to be depressed but Ann, herself, knew it might be a little bit difficult for Ryosuke to dance well at the banquet. Well, at least she could still hope that no one would ask Ryosuke to dance together.

"Young master, step 1 2 3, yes step side, 1 2 3..."

The music started again with Ann's intensive instructions for Ryosuke to be able to follow. But no matter how she instructed, the 14th time that Ryosuke stepped on her foot came again in the middle of the music. Now even Ann wanted to give up teaching Ryosuke dancing but she reminded herself that a teacher should be able to be patient as long as the student was willing to learn. But was Ryosuke even left with any willingness to learn? She just hoped he did.

But at the same time Ann was worried. It was not that much of a serious situation for a girl to step on the other's foot at most once as their heels and the dress they wore were difficult to control their steps so usually men didn't consider it that rude. But it was quite a laughing matter if a boy was stepping on the girl's foot continuously like Ryosuke was doing. She just prayed to God Lucian again that two weeks would be enough for Ryosuke to learn not to take wrong steps.

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