Chapter-28: Worst Luck (1)

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As soon as the mist got cleared, Brook immediately inspected the surrounding area and had a stern expression on his face with some anxiety, anger and confusion welling up in his mind.

"Ouch!" A small groan was let out from the person he grabbed before the mist engulfed them. It was only then Brook realized that his grip on Ryosuke's hand became tightened unconsciously and so he said a small sorry and let him go.

"What happened? Where is everyone!?" Like him, Ryosuke also had an anxious and worried expression as he looked back and front, looking for Lucas and others.

"Did we get teleported somewhere!?" Ryosuke raised questions one after another, making Brook a bit impatient.

"It is not us that got teleported. They are." Brook answered with the eyebrow wrinkled. "It is the Diveorus, a demon of deception which usually break out the hunter's groups by teleporting."

'They shouldn't exist in this forest....' Brook had a frown as his mind was filled with thoughts. Diveorus demons were mist-like shadows, existed on in some deep and dangerous forests where many monsters inhabit. They were low in number and usually stayed near demon's territory. Seeing a Diveorus here only meant that the inhibition of monsters had been deviating and it was not a good sign. But he decided to let this matter off by now as looking for Lucas and others came first now.

'Looking at the time, they should not get too far.' Brook considered whether he should go back to the town and contact the responsible guards to found a search party but the mist only lasted for around 7 seconds which was very fast, meaning that Lucas and others were still in the forest but not in other territories. The only worse scenario was that they got into the deeper part of the forest but it was not really dangerous if they were with Carleton.

'Lucas was next to Carleton so he would have definitely grabbed him but how about the other two?'

Brook got a headache from thinking. He was confident for his fighting and teaching others but when it came to using his brain for other purposes, he was bad at it.

"Hey, can you use fire mana?" Brook looked at Ryosuke who was also paying attention to what he would do next.

"I can. Not really that proficient but yea..."

Brook smiled when he got the answer. "Make a flare towards the sky."

As soon as Brook instructed, Ryosuke whispered.

"O' great Lord Lucian, thou who bless with mana to people,

Bring forth the burning flame, that can emit light upward the sky"

The ring of blazing fire instantly appeared on the palm that Ryosuke put in front and after circling around a bit, it rushed towards the sky forming an exact flare that Brook had wanted.

"Ah.... that chants are really as embarrassing as ever...."

"You don't need to draw a magic circle?"

"Nope." Ryosuke seemed that he was proud to be able to do that. "Now what are we going to do next? Just wait here?" He continued to ask Brook.

"Carleton should be with Lucas and he is able to use the fire magic as his secondary one, so he should be able to respond to that." Brook answered while looking at the sky carefully for any signal. Even though there were leaves covering some lights, Carl should be able to catch a glimpse, seeing the brightness of the flare.

"What about Tus and Eura?"

"If lucky, the other two can get here, too."

"We are going to wait here for 15 minutes. If we don't get any signal back or the other two don't come here, we will search on our own." Brook continued. As going back to the town and founding a search party was going to take longer and would cause a haywire situation, he didn't want to choose that way for now but if he couldn't find them in 4 hours, he definitely had to do that. He couldn't risk not finding them before night time.

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