Chapter-44: The Disguise (2)

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"Lucas, I don't think this is a good idea....."

"Master, shouldn't we bring Sir Carl along, too..."

It was not the first time that Tus and Eura asked Lucas these questions. Ever since Lucas had stated out his plan of going to Ereck town on his own to convince Walter, all Tus and Eura stated was it was not a great thing to do so.

"As I have told you, if Carl knows, he will never allow me to do this and it will reach to father's ears sooner or later."

'And he will also realize how I fooled him earlier so it is a big no no!' Lucas realized that low chance of Carl following him, obediently and it would bring out more trouble if Carl noticed that sneaking route and in addition, how he had lied to him.

Lucas's words made the two stop again, following him quietly.

'After all I have done to persuade them,........'

Lucas sighed as he had heard so many lectures and buggings even before they had headed out which would only stop after he had lowered himself begging them to help him for once. Lucas was surprised how much effect that action had as it shook them pretty much, making them agree with his actions even though they were reluctant to do so.

Even if Tus and Eura were still reluctant, they were already outside of the mansion through Lucas's route in sneaking out, feeling that this tunnel was one of the places they should keep watch in the future. What would they do if Lucas went out alone without telling anyone. And at the same time they were really surprised with how loose of a security with this tunnel which gave them more reason to keep watch. It seemed that no one in the mansion knew about this.

'I am really sinful for this whole day....'

Looking at the two following behind him, Lucas didn't even want to count how many times he did lie today, and he felt that he should probably apologize to all his victims after this is over, especially to Carl.

The night sky was very clear, and the town was quiet as it was not the time when most people went out. But as they walked towards the teleportation building, they could still see some lights and noise in some restaurants.

"Will teleportation service still work?" Eura murmured as it was past 10 pm that they left the mansion. Technically, it was the time Lucas usually went to bed so the best time to go out without alerting anyone.

"It will, I guess." Lucas had already asked about their opening hours, to which they replied that it was a 24/7 service. A really convenient one which made Lucas really glad.

Their quiet steps finally reached their destination, gaining some kind of stares they got from the staff. But there was no other problem as they stated their destination and paid the fees. Late night travels could also happen, right?

"Wait, aren't you the boy from this afternoon?"

Suddenly, Lucas felt like a thunder had shot to his head as he heard some familiar voice. And as he looked up he could see the women who handled his transportation to Sansa earlier this day as he internally cursed.

'Should she be taking a rest now!?' Lucas didn't expect that she would also be taking night shifts here, and instantly sensing that someone or maybe two was glaring strongly from behind as his throat felt like it began to dry up.

"Umm,...I think you mistake me for someone else."

'Dear aunty, don't spill out! Know the atmosphere, please!'

"Oh, how could I? It is already rare to see a young child travelling around alone. So how is Sansa? Have you already met your sister? Oh, are they your siblings?"

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