Chapter-26: Ereck Forest (2)

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"I also wish to follow you, master Lucas!"

"Eura, too!"

As soon as Lucas told Tus and Eura about his plans for tomorrow in order that they would be able to wake him up in case Lucas overslept (which he did almost all the times since he loved sleeping), they immediately stopped what they were doing and stared at Lucas with hopeful eyes, making Lucas stutter a bit while eating his lunch.

"Lucas, I told you they would want to follow." Ryosuke was having fun as he watched Lucas convince Tus and Eura to not follow.

"I am your exclusive butler! It is given that I should follow you wherever you are!" Tus was not giving up. No matter what.

"I am your maid, too! I need to stick around you! This is what Ailsa told me!"

"Do you see Anton following father around all the time!? And Eura that doesn't mean you also have to follow everywhere!"

During these three years, both Tus and Eura became official butler and maid of Lucas and Anton and Alisa let them to follow Lucas to fulfill their roles. They even complimented how Tus and Eura were fast at learning and good at work and it should be ok carry out such roles.

"Master, why do you think we decided to learn how to fight?"

'I don't know. Why would I know!?'

Lucas screamed inside, knowing that he could not convince these two no matter what. Actually Lucas also wanted to let them follow into the forest so that they could also learn from some real hunts for monsters but he couldn't stop thinking that what if Brook got impatient and left him, saying that it was too bothersome to bring too many people. Lucas couldn't risk that. He had to follow into the forest no matter what, even if it meant he had only 1% probability of finding the sword.

"It is for situations like this, master! Please let us follow." Tus continued while Eura was nodding at Tus, saying she was also the same.

"I mean that's not something I can decide.... I don't know if teacher Brook will let you guys follow or not..." Lucas sighed.

"Then, we will ask that teacher!" Eura stated and this time it was Tus nodding at her.

'These two.... when did they get synergized this much....?'

"It will be dangerous for you guys, is that ok?"

Once Lucas asked that, Ryosuke gave him the look 'Seriously!?'. Of course, Lucas didn't realize that since he was only looking at Tus and Eura who were standing beside him.

"Master Lucas, it is not a big matter. I can handle at least a few monsters by myself."

"I can, too! I mean I can at least fight better than Lucas although I still can't match Ryo!"

Lucas somehow felt hurt by Eura's words, reminding himself that what she said was true. If one considered fighting abilities, Lucas was the weakest among the four in the dining room so he just rest assured that he shouldn't be worrying too much.

Finally, Lucas also agreed that they would follow him if there were no objections from Brook and made them promise that they would not protest no matter what the result was and if it was only them Lucas could see them sighed in relief, followed with satisfied smiles.


Brook looked at the group with a frown on his face. He knew that someone might tag along with Lucas, considering about his status and family but he didn't know that the extra number would be up to three. He glared at Lucas who was giving him a nervous laugh.

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