seven | robyn

125 12 3

"Nooooo, don't go in the closet!" I screamed out but of course her white ass went, "dumb bitch." I mumbled while shaking my head at her stupidity. I was still in the theater room watching some scary movie when I heard the door open

"You're still in here?" Matthew asked walking more inside the room, taking a seat right beside me

"I mean yea, I went to the pool for a little while and then came here and watched a couple of movies." I replied turning my head to look at him

"Ok cool, did you eat anything?"

"Yea I made myself a sandwich not to long ago."

"Ok well I'm gonna start on dinner."

"Can I help?"

"Yea sure." He replied with a faint smile.

"Wow that was amazing." I said after taking  the last bite of my food


"Yes I never knew you could throw it down like that." I said earning a laugh from him

"Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me." he replied

"Okay... so why don't you share with me the things I don't know."

"You get right to the point I see, sooo what would you like to know?"

"Anything. Anything you're willing to share." I said smiling

"Okay um, my full name is Matthew Mitz, I'm 27, and I own my own business." he said

"Really? Wow." I exclaimed, no wonder he had this big house

"Yup I have my own sports clothing line for men and women."

"That's interesting."

"Yea i guess so, So tell me about yourself." He said taking a glimpse at me before sipping on his drink

"There's nothing much to say.... but that I'm 26, broke, and homeless." After that it all sunk in "Uh it was nice getting to know you but I have to go, thank you for the food though." I said excusing my self from the table

"But we-." I didn't give him the chance to finish before slamming the guest bedroom door. Grabbing my clothes and hurriedly putting them on, I opened the door heading to the front door before I was yanked back hitting a hard chest. Out if instinct I attacked. I kept throwing fist after fist and screamed before sinking down to his feet letting the warm, salty tears stream down my face.

Lightly he picked me up bridal style, walking towards the guest room. He slid the comforter to the end of the bed with one hand, fixed the pillows, then gently laid me down.

"You want to talk?" He asked, his eyes filled with concern and worry. Nodding my head yes I sat up leaning my back on the head board. Patting the spot in front of me, instructing Matthew to come and sit.

"My boyfriend had asked me to move to New York with him while I was in Florida. At first I declined the whole idea but eventually agreed to go. My parents definitely told me not to go and practically forced me to stay but I was so blind in the love that me and Andre had that I disobeyed my parents and left. They never spoke to me after that. A month living with him it was going great. I was working at a book store and attending college and overall it was going great. A couple of more months living with him I started seeing sudden changes. He would yell and scream at me for no apparent reason. I told him if this kept on going that i would leave him and go back home. Instead of improving it got worse. The physical abuse and forceful sex began. I couldn't call, text, or email anybody. I felt helpless and felt like everything that was happening was my fault and the worst thing of it all was that I couldn't do anything about it. When you grabbed me all those memories came rushing back."

The water works came back and tear after tear after tear streamed down my cheeks. Matthew scooted up wiping them away but with every wipe another streak would escape. He then moved and sat right beside me gently pulling my head to his chest.

"When I was a child and I would get upset my mom would always give me this quote and right after sing me to sleep the same song over and over every time. She would say "Bambino, today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it."

"In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight

In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight


His singing then began to fade. I then fell into deep slumber.

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