matthew | twenty-nine

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"Are you sure you know where she lives?"

"Yes, I am positive."

I finished putting a few things in my bag. It was funny how I hadn't heard from Andre in a minute and he just popped up out of nowhere, and now he's helping me find Robyn. I missed her so much man, it was crazy. I was driving myself crazy every time she popped up in my head, which was every minute of the day. I was miserable, and I needed her back.

I walked into my bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. Piece by piece of my face was showcased in the mirror, but I knew I looked horrible and I stunk. Badly. Sighing, I took off my boxers and hopped in the shower.

After taking a long, hot 20 minute shower, I hopped out and walked into my room, putting on the clothes I had set out on the bed. When I was done, I started to clean the house from top to bottom. Seeing the house clean and spotless, I grabbed my bag and my keys and headed out the door with Andre right behind me.

"How did you meet Rob?" I asked like I cared. I just wanted to go to Miami, get my girl back, and head back to New York where she was supposed to be. We were supposed to be a family till she up and left me. Yea I know what I was doing to her was wrong but I'm a changed man now. I love her and I know she still loves me despite all of my faults and even after years have gone I know she feels the same way. When she left I was angry and I did some messed up shit, like getting this random ass girl pregnant.

I had just got home from work. I was beyond tired. I walked to the kitchen trying to find something to eat. Coming up with nothing, I started climbing up the stairs till I heard a knock on the door.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled
I came down and looked through the peep hole, only seeing black. Being cautious I went behind my tv and found my .44 pistol. I went back to the door, unlocked it, and slightly opened it.

"Andre let me fucking in."
"It's Samantha."

Samantha? Samantha? I don't remember any Samantha.
"I'm pregnant and the baby is yours." she said. My heart stopped. Pregnant?
I opened the door more wider allowing her to come in.

"What you mean you pregnant?"

"I mean that I'm fucking pregnant with your child, Andre." Her eyes bloodshot red and the tip of her nose was pink, from most likely crying. I let go of the doorknob and walked toward my kitchen. I put the gun down on the counter. Pregnant? How the fuck could she be pregnant?

"Yo, I only had sex with you once after that club man, I barely even remember ya ass, fuck you mean you pregnant?"

"Well, it only takes one time to get pregnant dumb ass,"

"Watch ya mouth." I said pointing at her

"Whatever, I just came here to tell you that I'm pregnant, and that you have a child on the way."

"Whatever that shit is in ya stomach ain't mine." I said shaking my head

"Ight listen here, you are not about to disrespect my child like that, it takes two to make a baby and one time to make a baby."
"Now you either help me with this child or don't, and receive child support."
"So what the fuck is it going to be punta?!" She continued

I looked up at her. She was only a few feet away from me, so I could have grabbed her and slammed her ass with that damn baby, but a nigga wasn't about to go to jail because of some dumb bitch.

I met Samantha at a club. We had a few to drink, asked her ass if she wanted to leave and head to the crib, and smashed. I never thought I would have seen her ass again, especially not over this circumstance. Ima' admit she was a beautiful girl. Light brown seductive eyes, long black hair, and an hour glass body. If my vibe wasn't so killed off right now, I would have prolly bent her ass over right in the kitchen.

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