four | matthew

188 15 1

Feeling holes burning through his right cheek, he briskly turned around.

Not really had gotten to really observe or capture her beauty, his eyes raked up her amazingly curved body, lingering in the highly exposed chest area where her buds were standing right up against the silky fabric causing Matthew's third leg to lightly twitch in his pants.

Stopping to feast his eyes to who he could only describe as a goddess. Matthew's mouth slightly ajar, while Robyn's confused expression seemed to have changed in the same state. Her light caramel skin tone, oh how he loved caramel and how he wanted to lick all over-

A throat cleared. And it was then that he snapped back from his fantasy land. He had never thought of Jenna or anybody else for that matter like he just did to that girl. To make matters worse, Jenna was his girlfriend that he very much loved and planned to marry one day. While she was at her house doing what because of him, he was over here fantasizing about a complete stranger. A very gorgeous stranger at that.  He didn't even know her name.

"U-um no, you don't have to go, just stay here and I'll bring you something to eat."

"No it's fine, plus I have really important things to handle, and would you mind telling me where my clothes are?" pointing to the other chair that wasn't occupied, the clothes lye on it, neatly folded. She grabbed them putting them on under the robe.

"You don't have to lie you know." narrowing my eyes at her

"And what exactly am I lying about." she asked with a hint of attitude

"Do you even remember what had happened to you, and why you're here?" I asked.

Searching her head from the previous events, she quietly sat down then got back up. She didn't need any ones help nor did she want it. She made it through beatings and pressured sexual act. She made it through an almost rape attack. Well she assumed she did seeing as how she fainted during it and her vagina and legs weren't in pain but other then that she didn't need anybodies stupid, worthless pity.

"I didn't call for help and i didn't need it, i could've handled it on my own." she knew she couldn't and she knew she was lying through her teeth but she was trying to make a point.

"I don't need your help nor would i ever want your help." taking a deep breath and exhaled "Thank you for whatever you did for me, but i could handle my own." and with that she left, and slammed the door. Where was she going to go? She had no clue. 

Shaking his head, he wondered how an 'angel' could be so stubborn. He wasn't trying to give her pity or anything he was just trying to help her. And when she had said that she could've handled it on her own, he knew she was lying. With her sprawled out on the cold, concrete floor of the alley. Oh yea, she totally could've handled it on her own. Getting a huge headache from this whole thing he decided to call Jenna and apologize.

Dedicate to @cocoapebbles

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