Stuck at the turning point

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"It's a new era, trust me, i'll never forget!"
While marching forth on a fresh track
The breath is young, the head still strong
And salty thoughts for sure seem gone

An unknown lightness seems to drive
Through every cell - a buzzing hive!
Not knowing that with every jump
You flaw your soles with every hump
Which have been rough all from the start
But you just chose to ignore that part

It's not the track that needed a turn
You should have taken those shoes to burn!
The snapping traps decorating your feet
Colourizing your injured meat
Now gnawing down right into your bones
A feeling so heavy, like endless stones

Now man up and let bygones be bygones
You know those arguments are thinner than nylons
Stop wailing and failing and waiting
For the turning point to turn itself over
All talk, just lazy self-hating
Makes you as charming as a moldy sea rover

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