Thea The Hat Theif (Thea Queen)

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Thea loves to steal Y/N's hats right off her head, even getting little Sara Diggle in on the action. (Ollie is still alive in this one)

"Get back here!" Y/N calls as she she rushes after Thea. 

Thea giggles and dodges Oliver, who looks confused. In the brunette's hand is Y/N's black beanie, which Thea has stolen straight off of her head. 

"What on earth is going on here?" Oliver asks.

"I stole Y/N's beanie. Gotta run!" Thea calls to her brother as she continues her escape attempt.

Oliver sighs and gets back to what he was doing, secretly loving how carefree his sister is when she's around Y/N. Thea heads outside and thinks she is hidden, but Y/N soon finds her. 

"Thea Dearden Queen! Give me back my hat!" Y/N demands, hands on her hips. 

"But baby. Look how cute it looks on me," Thea pouts as she pulls the beanie onto her own head.

"Okay, okay. You can keep it for now, but only because it looks cute on you. Let's go back inside so Ollie doesn't think we've murdered each other," Y/N sighs.

"I would never murder you! I love you too much for that," Thea replies.

The pair head inside and Oliver notices the beanie on his sister's head. Grinning, he begins his teasing. It's his duty as a big brother, after all!


A few weeks later, they are hanging out at their apartment with Sara and Ava, who are in town visiting everyone. Thea leaves to go pick up their pizza, but before she does, she grabs Y/N's snapback, giggling as she flees the apartment. Y/N rolls her eyes at her girlfriend.

"You're never getting that hat back, kid," Sara chuckles.

"Trust me, I know. She took my beanie a while ago and I never got it back," Y/N replies.

"Just means she loves you. This one steals my hoodies all the time," Ava remarks, pecking Sara's check. 

"Aw. The big bad Sara Lance is a hoodie thief. Adorable," Y/N teases, earning herself a pillow being launched at her face by a blushing Sara.

"They're fluffy," Sara defends.

"Hey, no judgment here. This shirt is Thea's," Y/N shrugs. 

Thea comes back with the pizza just then, and they dig in. Y/N's snapback is perched on Thea's head the entire rest of the night.


"Dang it. John, your kid's also a hat thief apparently," Y/N curses as little Sara Diggle steals the snapback right off her head and begins to chew on it.

"So that's what Thea was teaching her earlier," John replies.

"Thea's lucky I love her. All that girl does is steal my hats," Y/N sighs.

"Hat!" Little Sara pipes up.

"Hey! Hat! That's my girl," John chuckles, picking his daughter up and swinging her around.

"Kid, you are lucky you are cute," Y/N tells the toddler.

"Good job, little minion," Thea jokes as she comes back into the room, taking the toddler from John and tickling her. 

Y/N rolls her eyes, but at the sound of Sara's giggles, a smile creeps across her face. She relaxes on the sofa and watches as Thea plays with the toddler. She loves Thea so much, even though she is a huge hat thief, and knows they will be together forever.

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