You're What?! (Samantha Arias)

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Sam finds out Y/N is still married. TW: Mentions of past abusive relationships

"I can't marry you, Sam," Y/N sighs, refusing to meet Sam's eyes. 

Sam has just proposed. She planned a whole romantic dinner with rose petals and candles. She even cooked an entire meal! Sam is upset and doesn't understand why Y/N said no. She knows Y/N loves her.

"Why? I thought you loved me," Sam asks.

"I do, Sammy. Here, come sit down with me and I'll explain why as much as I'd like to, why I can't marry you," Y/N tells her. Sam nods, so Y/N takes her hand in hers and leads her to the couch. They both sit down and look into each other's eyes.

"Tell me why you can't marry me, Y/N. Please," Sam begs.

"Okay. I'm married, Sam," Y/N confesses. 

"Your what?!" Sam gasps.

"I'm married. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but she' wife's not a good person. I moved here to get away from her," Y/N explains.

"Do you want to tell me more? You don't have to," Sam asks.

"I do. I love you and trust you. It's just hard... She was so perfect at first. Loving, kind, everything. Then, we got married. It was all good for a few months, but then she became a completely different person. She was abusive. Emotionally and physically. I had to get out, so when she was on a work trip, I packed up and never looked back. I was here for a few months, just getting by, and then I met you. You've changed my life, Sammy, and I would love to marry you, but I'm legally still married to her," Y/N elaborates.

"Oh baby. I will never ever hurt you. What she did is horrible and I promise I will never do that to you. I love you, Y/N, and we will figure something out," Sam promises.

"I love you too, Sam. Thank you for not freaking out," Y/N replies, smiling softly.

"Of course, love. Now, how about we just cuddle and watch some TV?" Sam suggests.

Y/N nods, so Sam lays down on the couch and opens her arms for Y/N. Y/N snuggles into her arms, resting her head on Sam's chest. Sam kisses Y/N's head and reaches for the remote. She turns on the TV to a random cooking show. Soon, Y/N is fast asleep in Sam's arms. Sam just watches her sleep for a while before carrying her to bed and climbing in beside her. As Sam drifts off as well, Y/N still wrapped safe and sound in her arms, she vows to herself that she will figure out a way to get Y/N a divorce from her ex as well as a restraining order, and to always keep Y/N safe and sound from whatever or whoever threatens to harm her.

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