Oh God (Kaylee Bryant)

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G!P Kaylee finds out Y/N is pregnant and freaks out. Jenny calms her down. Prompt by @KatieJoyF2004

"Hey love," Kaylee greets as she enters the house, kicking off her shoes. 

"Hi Kay," Y/N replies nervously. 

Kaylee can tell something is up with her long-term girlfriend. Y/N is fidgeting with a small box in her hands. The actress has no idea what is inside, but has a feeling that it is the reason behind Y/N's nervous behavior.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Kaylee frowns.

"I need to tell you something, and I'm scared you'll be mad and leave me," Y/N whispers, tearing up.

"Hey, whatever it is, I'm here for you. I love you, baby," Kaylee promises.

Hand shaking slightly, Y/N hands her girlfriend the box. Kaylee opens it and nearly drops it when she finds a positive pregnancy test inside. Y/N bites her lip nervously as she waits for Kaylee's reaction.

"Is this real?" Kaylee asks.

"Yes. I'm pregnant, Kay," Y/N replies.

"Oh god," Kaylee sighs anxiously. 

Kaylee's heart is racing in her chest and she just needs some time to process. Putting her shoes on and grabbing her bag, Kaylee is in shock so she doesn't hear Y/N pleading with her to stay. The moment the actress leaves, Y/N bursts into tears, fearing that Kaylee is going to leave her and their unborn child.


Kaylee shows up on Jenny's doorstep sobbing. The blonde immediately ushers her best friend inside and sits with her on the couch. Jenny waits for her to calm down, rubbing her back soothingly. They have been best friends for years now, so Jenny knows how to best calm her down. Finally, Kaylee's tears ceases and she snuggles into her best friend for comfort.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Jenny asks.

"Y/N's pregnant. I'm scared, Jenny. I want kids, but I'm just scared I'll screw them up," Kaylee confesses. 

"Oh Kay. You're such a loving and caring person. You are going to be such a good mom," Jenny assures her.

"Thank you. I just freaked out a bit. Oh god!" Kaylee exclaims, realizing how her rushing out must have looked to Y/N.

"What is it?" Jenny questions.

"I sort of just ran out of the house. I left Y/N alone without an explanation," Kaylee replies.

"Kaylee, I love you, but you're an idiot sometimes. Go get back to your girlfriend. Poor Y/N's probably freaking out," Jenny sighs. 

"Yeah. I'll do that. See you later, Jenny," Kaylee nods, quickly hugging the blonde goodbye and rushing home as fast as the speed limit will allow. 

She enters the house to find Y/N curled up on the couch, sobbing. Kaylee's heart aches and she quickly kneels beside Y/N. She brushes her hair out of her face, humming soothingly to her. Y/N gazes teary eyed at Kaylee before sitting up and patting the space beside her.

"I'm so sorry, honey. I just freaked out a bit. I love you so much, and will always be there for you and our baby. I promise, Y/N/N," Kaylee apologizes.

"Really? You want this? I know we're young and I understand if you don't," Y/N murmurs.

"Oh Y/N. Of course I do. I can't wait to have this baby with you. I love you, Y/N/N," Kaylee soothes, kissing Y/N's forehead.

"I love you too," Y/N smiles softly.

Her smile grows as Kaylee begins to talk to Y/N's slightly swollen stomach. The actress kisses Y/N's belly, causing Y/N to giggle. She pulls Kaylee up and kisses her lovingly, mind at ease. She knows that parenthood isn't going to be easy, but with Kaylee by her side, she knows that they can do it. Together. 

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