A Good Explanation (Thea Queen)

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Y/N walks in on Thea kissing another girl. Shocked, Y/N runs away and Thea runs after her, desperate to explain what Y/N just saw. Y/N is the youngest Lance sister in this one shot.

Y/N hums happily as she goes to pick up her girlfriend of eight months, Thea, from the bar she runs. Y/N has the best date planned and cannot wait to spend the night with the shorter girl. Y/N has set up her laptop and lots of cushions and blankets as well as snacks and drinks. She is ready. Y/N's heart shatters into a million pieces however when she turns the corner to find Thea kissing some random blonde.

"Thea?" Y/N asks, trying not to burst into tears right on the spot.

"Y/N. This isn't what it look like," Thea gasps as she pulls away from the random girl.

"I think it is," Y/N states.

Y/N turns and runs as fast as she can, away from Thea. She can't believe the other girl has done this. The same girl who holds Y/N in her arms, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, who takes her on random dates, who swears she is the one for her, kissed a stranger. Y/N doesn't know what to do, so she continues to run. She reaches her apartment, which is only a block away, and enters it, slamming the door behind her. She collapses onto her bed, sobbing into her pillow. An urgent knock soon comes at the door. 

"Y/N, baby, please let me in. I can explain," Thea begs.

"Go away Thea!" Y/N yells.

Thea sighs and uses her keys to unlock the door. She enters Y/N's bedroom, desperately wanting to explain what Y/N saw. Y/N sits up and glares angrily at her girlfriend. The vigilante sits on the bed beside Y/N, begging with her eyes to be heard out. Y/N sighs. Might as well give her a chance to explain, Y/N thinks to herself.

"Talk, Queen. You better have a dam good explanation or I will tell Laurel and Sara what you did," Y/N threatens, knowing her sisters will go into protective big sister mode if they find out. 

"Y/N, I love you so much. I just met her today. She came out of nowhere after the job interview was finished and kissed me. I swear, baby girl. I would never cheat on you. Please believe me," Thea begs.

"I believe you, babe, but you better tell her to never do it again or else she will have me to deal with," Y/N replies, "Oh, and don't hire her."

"Alright, Y/N/N, and don't worry, I won't hire her. Now, how about some make up cuddles?" Thea suggests.

Y/N nods, so Thea picks her up, causing Y/N to giggle. Thea may be shorter, but she is definitely stronger. Thea lays down, Y/N curled into her side. Y/N rests her head on the vigilante's chest, listening to her steady heartbeat. Thea runs her hands through Y/H/C hair, tucking it behind Y/N's ear.

"I love you, Y/N. I am so sorry that the incident at the bar hurt you," Thea whispers.

"I know, love. I'm sorry I ever doubted you," Y/N replies.

"It's alright. You saw and reacted. It's all in the past now, and we will deal with it later. For now, though, let's just forget about it and cuddle," Thea states.

Y/N nods, and smiles when Thea places a kiss on her forehead. Y/N snuggles closer to her girlfriend, yawning. She is emotionally exhausted, and her eyelids are becoming harder and harder to keep open as each minute passes into the next.

"Sleep, baby. I'm yours. Only yours," Thea whispers softly, covering them both with the blankets Y/N has on her bed.

"Love you," Y/N yawns.

"I love you too," Thea smiles.

Thea watches, eyes filled with love, as Y/N drifts off to sleep in her arms. She places a soft kiss on Y/N's forehead before drifting off as well. The short vigilante knows that they will have to deal with the random girl tomorrow, but for now, she is content to fall asleep as well, the love of her life safe and sound, in her arms.

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