Where Is She?! (Laurel Lance)

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Y/N gets hurt while on the job as a cop. Laurel immediately rushes to the hospital, praying that her fiance will be okay.

"Laurel, honey, I don't want you to panic, but I need to tell you something," Quentin tells Laurel the moment his daughter picks up the phone.

"What is it? Are you okay?" Laurel asks worriedly.

"I'm fine, but Y/N is not. She got shot during a robbery and is on her way to the hospital right now," Quentin explains. 

"Oh god. I'm on my way now," Laurel gasps, fighting back tears and hanging up the phone.

She grabs her car keys and rushes to her car. As she drives, she prays that Y/N will be okay. She can't loose her. They're suppose to get married soon! Laurel doesn't know what she'd do without Y/N. After what seems like forever, she reaches the hospital and rushes inside. Laurel finds her father waiting in the waiting room and runs over to him.

"Where is she?!" Laurel asks urgently. 

"She's in surgery. She got shot in the stomach. Why don't you sit down? You look pale, honey?" Quentin replies. 

"I'm fine, dad. I can't loose her," Laurel tells him.

"I know, and you won't. She's a strong one and is going to be alright. Y/N wouldn't leave you that easy. Can I get you anything?" Quentin questions, placing a comforting hand on his daughter's shoulder.

"No," Laurel sighs miserably.

She sinks into a chair. Quentin sits beside her. He hates that he can't do anything to ease Laurel's worry. They wait together for what seems an eternity. Every passing minute, Laurel's anxieties only grow. She can't loose the love of her life... She just can't. Finally, the doctor comes out.

"Family of Y/N Y/L/N?" She asks as she glances around the waiting room.

"I'm her fiance. Is she okay?" Laurel replies, standing up quickly.

"The bullet missed her internal organs. We removed it and stitcher her up. She's still under, but should wake up soon. She's a very lucky woman," The doctor explains.

"Thank god. Can I see her?" Laurel asks.

"Of course. Right this way," The doctor nods.


Y/N groans as she opens her eyes. She blinks at the bright lights of the hospital. Her stomach hurts, and she is groggy and confused. 

"Hey, hey. It's okay, love. You're okay," Laurel soothes from where she is sitting by Y/N's bed.

"What happened?" Y/N asks, her voice hoarse.

"You got shot. You're going to be fine, Y/N/N," Laurel explains as she takes Y/N's hand in hers.

"Oh. No wonder I feel like I got hit by a bus," Y/N replies.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny. Seriously, though. You need to be more careful. I could have lost you," Laurel sighs, tearing up.

"Hey, shh. I'm right here. I'm going to be okay, Laurel. I love you too much to leave you like that," Y/N promises, "Come cuddle with me."

"I don't want to hurt you," Laurel protests.

"You won't. Please baby. Come cuddle," Y/N pouts.

"Okay," Laurel agrees, never able to resist her lover's pout.

Laurel carefully crawls into bed next to Y/N. Gently, she wraps her arms around her. Sighing happily, Y/N rests her head on Laurel's chest. Soon, Y/N is fast asleep in Laurel's arms, exhausted from her injury. Laurel kisses Y/N's head while watching her sleep, thanking her lucky stars that she is alive and well.

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